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Cat Therapy


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i had this.

34 sessions.

if i remember we drew a sorta chart about feelings & where they came from.which was all very well but i did'nt learn what to do with them.

my psych told me that it is good,but it can be too short & a lot of ppl don't know what to do with the stuff that comes up & the therapy ends.

sorry did'nt explain it very well.

but if you have the chance to do it go for it.you don't know till you try :)

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I am in CAT therapy and it's like Kelpy said.

I have found it has worked in some ways, I am more of a 'whole' person instead. It is tough though, brings a lot of hidden stuff to the surface.

I think it's a lot to do with what you put into it (I am crap at therapy, spend the whole time crying!) but CAT seems to have a good basis and it is very direct and if you have a good therapist you are guided by them which helps as you don't have to wonder what to say.

First few sessions are about background/history and then they collate it all together in the latter sessions. I am very near the end of mine, but they have said that instead of ending it at 24 sessions, I will have a break and then go back to it for more sessions. I think they are very much guided on each client. CAT seems a lot more structured than talking therapy.

Def worth doing if no other therapy has worked or helped.x

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