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Discharged From Back Surgeon At Hope


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I can't believe it! Went back for yet another x-ray expecting to have to go back again in a few months and I am discharged to physio! Yay! At last the proper recovery can commence!!!! I talked through a long list of "issues" I have. One being that the combined forces of my scoliosis and the operation/repair last year has meant that I have lost 3/4 inch to the scoliosis and 1 1/4 inch of height due to the operation resulting in going from 5ft 7" to 5ft 5" - I am upset about that. But I'm so glad that I can walk and I'm re-assured that the height loss is just par for the course. This also means that my already swollen BMI is even worse but I think I can get to grips with that once I am more mobile. I am already on the "just sweat" programme of my daughter's Wii game so hopefully a bit of frantic arm waving and jumping around will help with that.

The other issues like the cracking when I relax at night or in the bath, and the constant pain I am re-assured is also normal and will get better when the muscles strengthen and that noises are soft tissue moving around so that's OK. I know this probably sounds dull but it's exciting to me. Woo hoo!!!! Physio and stuff here I come...... :masked:

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one of my sons has scoliosis,it's not too bad atm but he does get a lot of pain with it,so sorta know how you feel.

i'm really glad your op went ok,thats exc news your being discharged for physio.

look after yourself.

all the best kelpy

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