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Hmmm (High Level Of Thought) Swearing


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right as the title warns this will have a high level of thought

so whats been on my mind for abit is how stuff can instantly change your moods, whether it be from someone saying something or even something like maybe a film but anyway with me personally my moods go pretty much instantly which means i have 0 % chance of time to combat it so whats had me thinking is what actually caused it for me

i wont lie and say my life has been perfect as that is a bullshit story and i wont say its been shit as thats also bullshit, yes its been rough as fuck but it hasn't been shit.

personally all mine started from my childhood from getting hit and shit like that by my cunt of a father and then there was everything else involved, 24 7 bullied, trouble with stuff etc and to be honest it went down slowly from there. It wasn't until around 6 years ago that it got low low and nearly ended up with me doing something rather stupid but got talked out of it.

its just the recent few years where things have gone down and really for me personally a film set the harming off for me :/ i got addicted to that then which was hard to pull away from it and it just got tricky to do anything apart from bleed since it got rid of everything for a short time.

but now anything sets it off it just depends on how bad it gets most the time i feel it just drifting in and then bam it is there and doesn't leave for hours but most the time its music that changes it hence why i am not really a happy person much anymore.

Right now the thought side of things

so above is my history now what i want to do is actually do something that spreads the word of what happens and ways to combat it etc.

by this i mean like maybe having a blog,community section,and support area all dedicated to depression and anything else and try spread the word that there is ways to get around it

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