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Just curious to know what people think of it - do you do it often? Does it help if you do? Or like me do you fear that if you start you might never stop, that once you start rattling you're going to shake loose all the rusty nuts and bolts that are just about holding you together and completely fall to pieces that can never be reassembled?

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Hello mindpox, i think crying allows me to be more expressive as my

friends always do too. They say it allows them to be understanding as well

as feel freer that a weight has been lifted in the sense of hurt, anger, grieving

or any other kind of emotion as if you hold all these emotions inside it can be

detrimental to people as it can make them very frustrated and bitter as they have built

a huge resentment or anger up over time. It's best to let it go as keeping this stored

up over time does not allow you to move on or feel like you have closure. :)

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