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If This Site Has Taught Me Anything


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It's the joy in my Psychiatrist not diagnosing a personality disorder and just a mood one. Aside from those who do post encouraging feedback and advice on my topics, I can only see a personality disorder having a negative effect on a person. It saddens me that some of the more serious topics just get left behind in place of the minor things some of the frequented posters make. I say minor because really these things could be resolved by airing problems with those actually involved, and most importantly getting the support in the first place i.e. coping skills, mood management etc. Telling us about problems with x,y,z persons is very minor in comparison to problems you might have with your mood unrelated of others i.e. feeling suicidal or any change in mood. I fail to believe that the secondary services have failed everyone lol and that these services weren't offered. Some of you even see Psychiatrists which is amazing given their waiting lists.

I find this site to be very negative, with those constantly down about their illness, and constantly blaming it for making them the way they are. As a personality disorder, you have to take some responsibility. Don't you see how acting that way penultimately makes you all the bad connotations associated with it - i,e. attention seeking, needy etc? I don't know how much longer I'll be on here for as it's getting a bit too negative for my liking and haven't seen anything particularly uplifting. However, I'd just hope that people might learn to take responsibility, accept help and support rather than bitching about how things are, because otherwise there's very little not to make you attention seeking. x

I do understand where your coming from in many ways bpdgirl but this forum is open to any form of mental health posts. Sadly with mental health problems it does tend to be negative but an individual with a personality disorder sometimes struggle to recognise their behaviours. This is why it is important to support them.

But thank you for sharing your opinion.

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This site has helped me out personally. It's understandable that there will be some negative posts, because this is an open platform for people (like myself) who don't have many people to express my thoughts and feelings to. I understand your perspective on the matter BPDgirl but your attitude doesn't help. The reason a lot of people are here is because we all have problems which need solving. The problem with society today is that MH issues are brushed aside and people are dismissed as 'attention seekers.' You're entitled to your opinion of course but you aren't the judge and jury on MH issues. I find your post provocative and not necessary. As another poster pointed out, naming yourself bpdgirl, could that be seen as attention seeking? Possibly, but that's your choice. I myself have been guilty of posting some very negative things on here, but that's how I felt at the time and people shouldn't be afraid or cautious on what they post for the fear of being judged. I don't know what you expected when you signed up to the site, it's pretty obvious there will be some negativity flying about. Your views and personal experiences are yours alone, you can't generalize on MH issues, there is no black and white.

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