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Saddest Poem Ever?


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As I was falling asleep last night, I was watching a programme about the siege of Leningrad when Lawrence Olivier recited perhaps the most powerful poem I have ever heard. It was written by Pavel Antokolsky as part of a 10 chapter poem dedicated to his fallen son, Vladimir.

Do not call me, father. Do not seek me.

Do not call me. Do not wish me back.

We’re on a route uncharted, fire and blood erase our track.

On we fly, on wings of thunder, never more to sheath our swords.

All of us in battle fallen – not to be brought back by words.

Will there be a rendezvous? I know not. I only know we still must fight.

We are sand grains in infinity, never to meet, nevermore see light.

Farewell then my son. Farewell then my conscience.

My youth, and my solace my one and my only.

And let this farewell be the end of a story

Of solitude vast and which none is more lonely.

In which you remain, barred forever and ever

From light and from air, with your death pangs untold.

Untold and unsoothed, not to be resurrected.

Forever and ever, an 18 year old.

Farewell then. No trains ever come from those regions

Unscheduled or scheduled. No aeroplanes fly there.

Farewell then my son, for no miracles happen,

As in this world dreams do not come true.


I will dream of you still as a baby,

Treading the earth with little strong toes,

The earth where already so many lie buried.

This song to my son, is come to its close.

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Indeed it is.

I welled up when I first heard it and in a way, I'm grateful that I'm able to be moved by something like poetry.

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