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A Few Little Treats


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Things haven't been too great recently, and i've been feeling up, down, and all over the place.

So i've been trying to really implement self-soothe and it's helped a lot. Lots of little things like taking the time for a sit down with a cuppa when in the middle of a panic with trying to get the house in shape and everything packed up, lighting some nice-smelling candles and having a lovely deep bubble bath, allowing myself a pj day where i just loaf about on the sofa and watch feel-good movies back-to-back, giving myself a manicure and pedicure, dying my hair and neatening the cut up a little.....

I also did something which i've been needing to do for aaages, but for various reasons kept putting it off. Mainly because I get a serious case of The Guilts following spending money on myself when it's not an essential item. I bought myself some new clothes, some shoes, and some new bedding.

I got a pair of jeans, some new trainers (i'm really fussy about the shoes i wear and this will be the first pair i've had that aren't skate shoes, converse or stiletto heels since i was about 13 lol), a pair of cropped jeans, a couple new spaghetti-strap tops, a new nightdress, and a dress for a party that i'm going to this coming weekend.

I did have a bit of a wobble over buying them at first, but am actually loving having new clothes!!! It's been so long, it really has. nearly my entire wardrobe is made up of threadbare clothing that's years old, so it feels great to have new things that are nice and not damaged. :)

Know it's nothing major in the grand scheme of things, but it's something i feel good about as i know previously i've struggled so much with this stuff, so thought I would share.


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I think we all deserve a treat now and then, Nothing wrong with that :) I am glad that buying new clothes makes you feel happy :)

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