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A Petition To Re-Name The Illness Depression


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Hugs I like that you have passion to want to make things better. :)

Thank you hun.

I naturally try to find solutions for things. I naturally want to make things better for people. I won't always get things right, but I hope I will always try.

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I do prefer the term "Clinically Fed Up", than "Depression". Only because it makes me laugh though! In a strange way if a doctor said I was clinically fed up it would ease (albeit temporally) my depression!

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I'll sign the petition. If it just stops the term 'having a bad day', I'll sign it a million times.

thank you hun x

just to confirm it's now at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/depression/

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I understand the cause and reasons behind you thinking a name change would help, but I don't think it would work.

The thing that needs to be done is world-wide education and teaching about mental health issues including depression and the severity of them rather than changing a name.

An example I can think of is this - when Scope first came about as a charity it was called the Spastic Association and all the Scope charity shops were called Spastic. Well after a while the word started being used inappropriately - it was no longer just a symptom of the illness cerebral palsy - it was an insult. People were using 'spastic' as an awful insult. Even though in 1994 they changed their name to Scope (to try and get rid of the negative associations)- is the word spastic still used as an insult? Yes. Even I have to say I indirectly have used the word 'spaz' when I've said "sorry for spazzing out' - where does that come from? The word spastic. People may not mean it, but that's how the word has grown, people use it all of the time - without realising what it actually means.

Changing the word does not change the attitude of the general public. Nor does it educate them on what it means.

So I'm sorry but I'm not signing the petition, but good luck and I think it's nice that you are trying to do something about it. I think the best route would be more education though. Have you heard of Time to Change? Perhaps get in touch with them - they are a mental health charity trying to educate the world about mental illness.

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