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Good Stuff


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theres been bad stuff too but not much of it at all.

my parents going away- it went really well. I had a great time, didnt feel depressed or really anxious. I only really got anxious when i heard someone trying to open the back door but anyone would get anxious about that. I didnt do lots of the things i meant to do because it was so easy to fill my time. I loved doing the cooking and the housework, i loved doing things in my way that worked for me instead of fitting around my mums way of doing things.

my mums reaction- she was actually happy with the state of the house when she gets home. I actually keep the kitchen cleaner than she does but shes always found something to moan about before.

getting a flat- my mum says she wants to write a letter to go with my housing medical form to say how difficult it is living with me and how she wants me to move out. im not sure wht she wants to do that as she hasnt wanted me to move out before but i've told her if she does that shes got to give me the letter so i can give it to the doctor so she can send everything together once shes done her part of the form. so if my mum is planning on writing something that will discorage people from giving me a flat i'll read the letter and my GP will so we can make the final decision on if it gets sent or not

my hair- I do lots of hair stuff myself like cutting and colouring but i wanted layers put in my hair and I didnt feel confident about doing this so i went to the hairdressers and watched how the hairdresser did things in the mirror. I couldnt really ask many questions as the lady was foreign so idk if i'll be able to do it myself next time but it only cost £28 for a wash, cut and blow dry and i've learnt loads more about blow drys than i did at college so £28 well spent. my hair did look shit because my thyroid makes my hair thin but the layers give it more shape and now it looks reem.

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I'm so pleased your time alone went well Emma.

Its good your mum is prepared to write a letter supporting you moving out. Maybe she has realised you can cope on your own, and that she is more likely not to lose you if she is supportive of you.

I bet your hair looks lovely. Maybe you could be brave enough to post a photo? xx.

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Pleased you had a good time without your mum, so now you know that you can cope without her, it will give you confidence for when you get your owm place, and I hope that is sooner rather than later. xx

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Hurra for cleaning the kitchen better than your Mum! Kitchens are difficult to clean, oh yes!

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(((LonelyHeartEmma))) sounds like you had a lovely time being you, and what's more your mum was happy with you and the kitchen when she got home.xx

re the letter she is prepared to write. This I do believe is in support of what you want to do with your life, rather than she can't live with you, but if she writes a letter saying she is effectively throwing you out, because of...... etc etc, then this will stand you in much better stead of getting a place of your own. It is one of the accepted criteria for housing.xx

So glad all went well, & would be great to see your new hair!!! Pickle.x

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thank you :) it was really nice. they usually go away again at the end of august so i'm really hoping they will do that again

I did take some pictures of my new hair but my face looks gross :( and i can't do it today because i'm giving my face a break from foundation so i still look gross. But i hope i can take a picture soon

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