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Its Good To Be Back!


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Having no internet for so many weeks was rubbish! I did get lots done though and I just thought I'd post to let you guys know how I've been getting on :)

I've settled in the new house really well and I finally feel at home its so nice and cosy hehe

I've started weight watchers coz I need to lose some weight and its a way for me to make new friends its going well so far and will keep you guys posted on how much I've lost :D

I attempted to give up smoking but I was so grumpy as I tried to diet at the same time I will give up smoking another time aha

I've filled out all of the paperwork to start back at Scouts and will be helping out at 2 different sections at 2 different groups I'm so excited to get stuck in. I'm also working on setting up a residents association for my local area too so I can get more involved with my local community.

I start my therapy on the 13th September and will be starting with Mindfullness based CBT which is 2 hours a week for 10 weeks. I'm told its a new therapy which has been developed by a professor here in Derby and has had great results so far. I'll then be doing another 2 or 3 different courses after. I need to go back under my local CMHT during therapy though (I'm currently discharged) but I'm hoping I wont need them but its a precaution really.

I'm going camping this weekend with my family in Ashbourne which I cant wait for and then were off for a week in a cottage in wales on the 1st Sept.

Also had an interview yesterday for a learning support worker role at a new residential school for children with Autism and I'll hear about that during the first week of Sept.

Well I think thats it aha sorry for the long post!



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So good to hear from you and get an update on how things have been for you. Sounds like you're keeping yourself very busy but I'm glad that you've got a couple of breaks planned soon. Hope they go well for you.

Take care

Jenny xx

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