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Life, why bother... wish I could be more enthusiastic at drinking alcohol. Think I should go on a night out, then overdose - don't seem to be very good at taking alcohol when I'm home alone. Too exhausted and eugh, can't be bothered with the shitty tastes.

Wish it was easier to die. I know. I should try harder, I'm not trying hard enough. I'm not even close to passing the test of dying. :-(

What could anyone do to help anyway? Nothing :-( Stupid life. Stupid stupid life :-(

CMHT said I could phone up Mon-Fri 9-5 if I needed to talk, but what can talking achieve, they're not going to do anything. They can't change the situation. I can't change anything. Back to square 1.

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I care too Apple.. I'm sorry things are so crap. I wish there was an easy answer and while it may not help to phone the CMHT up 9-5 don't rule it out.. you may find that talking to someone does help in those times of trouble. I hope you are able to stay safe. And maybe you could phone up the CMHT on Tuesday and mention how you're feeling to them.. it might help, maybe give it a go? Thinking of ya x

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. Think I should go on a night out, then overdose

So you need to drink to be able to OD or something, Doesn't that mean anything to you that you need to drink before you can OD??? To me myself that rings bells, That maybe you don't truly want to die or anything, But when you drink, You don't care and allow the drink and mind to take over and OD... And you don't know what else to do, To get yourself out of the stuff what is going on in your world right now...

What could anyone do to help anyway?

A lot, You'd be surprised... If you allow someone to try and help and be there and listen to you, It can help...

CMHT said I could phone up Mon-Fri 9-5 if I needed to talk, but what can talking achieve, they're not going to do anything. They can't change the situation. I can't change anything. Back to square 1.

Being open and honest, By talking to someone can HELP quite a lot, Even if its just to get something off your chest about how crap you day might of be... Only YOU can truly change anything, So... Only YOU can change the situation, And if it is really making you that un-happy, Then maybe it is time to stand up and say " Hold on " I don't want this, That or the other... You are the only one who has the power to be able to change what is going on in your life right now, So do it...

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