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A Strange (But Positive) Turn Of Events.


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Much like the coin that spins on the table, you really aren't sure what side is going to come up. So too can be said about my emotions from day to day. For the past several days (almost a week or two), I have been feeling very down, very negative. The coin kept spinning and landing on the side that wasn't favourable to me.

Today, however, the coin didn't take much spinning before it landed on the face that smiled back at me. Before noon, I was out on the streets, ear-buds in and listening to some of my favourite (positive) tunes. I power walked for a good 30 minutes ... the best walk I've had in a long, long time. It was about 2 degrees Celsius, but I drove my body temperature up.

And I found that I actually had a bounce in my step. I found that my head was bobbing back and forth to the music. I found my hands tapping on my thigh to the music. When I got home, I didn't cave and reach for a Coca Cola like I normally would. I had a tall glass of water (which, for me, is a huge step).

All in all, I felt really good about today. But I'm no fool. I'm not going to ingore what happened prior to all of this. I need to take whatever occurred and learn from it. As well, take whatever got me into a decent-to-good mood and learn to reproduce it for the next time. Or, if I can at all help it, stay in this mood for as long as I can.

And I owe lots of this to many people here. Sure, I did this, and I feel like this, I still owe many of you the credit you deserve for giving me the support and positiveness that I needed.

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Today starts the third day that I've gone out and walked. Because of this nasty sinus infection, I didn't walk as much as I wanted to yesterday. Only about 1 km (as opposed to the 2 on the previous day). I'm hoping to walk that 2 again today, but I'm not feeling hopeful about it. We'll see when I get outside. It's a cool 1 degree Celsius, so although it's brisk, I'll warm myself up with the walking.

I had a wee bit of a "moment" today as I haven't talked to my best friend in about 2 days, I rested my mind knowing that she's occupied and that things are okay. I haven't been on the forums lately because, well, I've been feeling really, really good.

In any event, I'm off for my walk for the day!

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I haven't been around lately and, quite frankly I don't know the next time I will be around! Things have taken a decidedly positive turn in the past four days. I've walked about 7+ km in the past four days, I'm eating better, I'm sleeping so well.

And truth be told, I have to say that the people here on the forums have given me such a positive boost ...

Thank you all!

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