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Is Psychodynamic Therapy So Subtle As To Blind Me To The Benefits?


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Hello, I haven't posted in a long while because I get tired of me going on and on about same old same old, but you are all so supportive and understanding however I be, so can I run this past you?

I have been having psychodynamic therapy now for many many weeks. I really don't understand it at all. I don't understand the process even though I have read up all about it and am having it but I really don't understand what is going on.

All I do know is that after 23 sessions or so I am still crying mostly throughout the sessions, most of the time dont really know what to talk about, but I always end up crying.

How is this therapy supposed to help, cos deep down I don't feel any different to the first time I went, but maybe the effects of it are so very subtle I can't yet see any benefits!

Oh I dont know, very confused by it really. I can't see or feel how it is helping, but he seems to think I'm connecting very well with the process but I don't understand it at all!

Any ideas or anyone any experience of this type of therapy?

Thanks all for reading if you have got this far and if anyone got any experience of thoughts, I would love to hear from you.x

Hugs from here to you all :grouphug[1]: :oink:

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sorry, i don't have any experience of psychodynamic therapy but i would have thought you would be seeing some improvement after 23 sessions hun...

maybe you could try and voice your concerns in your next session. especially if you don't understand the therapy you are supposed to be taking. something to me just doesn't seem quite right here. maybe you have some communication issues with your therapist that could help you both if you worked them out... i am sure s/he won't mind you asking again.

sorry i can't be much help but please don't feel you can't post "same old" stuff here cos we are all here for you - repetitive or not hun. xxxxx

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I have had psychodynamic therapy. I was in it about 18 months. I think it takes a long time to work.

If you have any issues with your therapy, its really important you discuss them with your therapist, otherwise I think the therapy might not work as well. You can always discuss them here as well :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Villan, Data and Jasmine Rose for coming back on this.

At my next session, we are going to have a review of where we are at.

The weird thing for me is that I feel no real emotional connection with my therapist at all and I think I can honestly say that this is a first.

Yet there is lots emotion going on.

He gave me this quote

''I beg you...to have patience with eveything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them, and the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will be gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.... (rainer maria rilke) :confused02:

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I feel the same about some psychotherapy, no idea what type it is, but he wants me to just sit and talk - which I generally don't do, so it really feels impossible to me. Got the 3rd session on Wednesday as an assessment to see if I'm suitable, and I don't think I am, but I honestly couldn't suggest what else they could offer. CBT referred me to CMHT who said I needed long term psychotherapy, but the bloke is so up himself, unreflective, doesn't respond to what I say - so 'I' seem to think why bother opening up when he's so unsupportive. It's tricky. I spend my sessions trying not to cry, and wondering what the hell I'm wasting the hour of my life doing it. Grh :-( Rubbish, hate it when they don't tell you point of it. xx

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