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When Strangers Ask 'what's Wrong With You?' And Laugh


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This happens to me, over and over.

Generally because of my personal space sensitivity.

You know the usual supermarket queue thing. You move because someone's basket/trolley/arm/kid is in your space and you need room to breathe, and they move closer and ... well, I end up saying I'm moving to give myself space, not for them to come closer!

These elderly indian gents in Tesco this morning did it, they had religious markings and all, they 'should have known better'.

I told them I've been through traumas and they had no idea what it was like to deal with and it was NOT ok to laugh at and humiliate me.

I probably overstepped the mark, but it really hurts. A lot.

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Jasmine, I'm really sorry you feel this way. No one has any right to humiliate you or make you feel uncomfortable. I think your reaction was perfectly justified. I hope people will understand. Ash

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Thank you Ash.

It's just so rare that anyone understands. It's all the staring and the laughing.

I want people to respect me, not sneak out all the 'wrong' things.....

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you r perfectally entitled to ur personal space, i sometimes make comments when ppl bump into me and dont say sorry, i will in an annoyed voice say something like "and u could say sorry" or "excuse me" i have never had ppl laugh at me, but i think i would flip if they did, i can go from my natural shyness to aggressive in seconds if they push the wrong buttons, i totally change like jekyll and hyde! the nurses fast found that out lol.

tho i say i have never been laughed at last year at my sons nativity play, i was sitting down on the front row (on kids seats so low and small) and i purposely left the chair next to the giant of a man free for personal space, someone asked me to move to sit next to him so a couple could sit together instead of either one seat apart or on the next row, i turned to the person asking me to move "that i am fine where i am thank you very much" they did make a comment like "some folks" and laughed, i was fuming but i stood my ground and was proud of myself if nothing else, however i still have to see these ppl as they have kids at my sons school so they probably talk about me and call me names etc, but as long as it doesnt impact on my kids i say "stuff em" i know i am a nice person and will do anything for anyone (well nearly) if treated with respect and dignity.

if they laugh at u i would give them a sarcastic comment back, dont feel u need to explain and just think the chances are u will never see them again! so it doesnt matter what they think, cos the ppl who know u know u ARE a nice person

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Thank you cadance.

Even my manager has now noticed how quickly I can switch back to a vibrant cheery me when noticed in a considerate way...

I've had a lifetime of my vulnerabilities being picked on, pecked at, and I wish I knew more about how to assert myself against it in a way that's respectful to me and others.

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I usually shout "SPACE INVADER!"... they usually so shocked that they apologize.

I got laughed at and humiliated bout 9days ago when i went to my local in my nuclear suit, just the trousers and jacket.. its not obvious what it is, i went out for a smoke and an older guy i know commented o it something like "bet your warm" and i confided in him what it was and why, he went in told his girlfriend who told others at the bar, then when i walked in everyone was laughing at me and saying shit like "You're a fucking lunatic"... i laughed it off but his gf and this other woman carried on sniggering, the gf was telling her to "shhhh" but i could hear her saying "What she's not even in the army?? hahahahahaha"... so i thought i'll give them something to laugh at, got my gas mask out my bag, put it on stood on the chair and shouted "Come'on come and have photo with the freak!".... and they actually did take pics... which i suspect are all over FB now... but fuck them, they wanna treat me like a freak i'll act like one... let them laugh, just shows how shallow they are.

People don't understand, and sometimes they just don't think, they see things too much at face value rather than thinking beyond that.

xx xx xx

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  • 2 weeks later...

hmm I'm like that too. I get very irritated if someone stands too close to me in line ups, or sits next to me at the drs office etc. I thought it was just me...

I usually react with rudeness and anger. I move away, glare, or roll my eyes. I don't think it's because of past trauma or "intimacy issues". I think i'm just very irritable in general, but then if people had my life they would be too.

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