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Really Excited


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feeling overly excited today i got an over payment from the job centre so bought myself a new electric guitar and rocksmith game i was going to have to wait a few weeks to save up my excitement is very high kind of feel manic cant relax and feel like im gonne crash later tonight but still really glad for my guitar really wanna learn to play

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i have been trying to learn on line for a few months now picking little bits up tyring to practice everyday doing excercises it has been very hard i orderd a game on the xbox called rocksmith its like guitar hero but you plug a real guitar in and it teaches you so hopefully in a year or two ill be able to play

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i spoke to the job centre about it they said that it was not on the system so it could just get wiped off if not it will take them a few weeks to get in contact and i will pay it bit by bit each week and as im always paying something out i dont mind

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I hope you can hold on to the good feelings.

When I left a job they continued to pay me for several months (NHS)... I contacted them but it wasnt until months and months later that they contacted me asking for the money back. I got advice (as by then I'd forgotten about it and spent the money!) and I wrote back to them telling them if pay £50 a month over x months... So yeah if they do ask for it back, I think as long as you can cover yourself to show that you have told them about the over payment.. You can then set the amount you're willing to pay back per month. Hope that's the same with the job centre but can't see why not.

Anyway, enjoy the guitar! X

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