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Does Sugar Cause Fat ?


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Yes it can do.

Your body can get energy from both sugar and fat. Fat has a few more calories per gram, but they are both pretty calorific.

If your body doesn't get enough energy from the diet, it will start burning its own fat reserves. Therefore, if you eat more sugar in your diet, you increase the amount of energy you get from your food, and your body might not need to burn those fat reserves.

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Well said, Data, it's all about the calories you get from your food. Sugar has bunches of them, so eating sugary foods will throw your diet off, and not give you any other nutritional value, either, which is why they're often referred to as "empty" calories.

And watch out for cheese, too. I just found out the hard way that snacking on cheese (which is fat, I guess) will cause your diet to take the day off.

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