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ok so i work so m-f i have a routine

every other weekend i go my mums so i kinda have routine there too


when i am home on my own and don't have to go out saturday i get up and for the rest of the day i sit at home and look at the clock and say to myself - 12 hours til bed time etc etc

it's not like i have any plan to do stuff, mostly i just watch tv, read books, play games, tidy house etc etc. sometimes i have a list and i do stuff off that, but every so often i look at the clock and say to myself x hours til bed time...

like all i am doing is existing until bed until tomorrow until either the next countdown (sunday) or until the next working week and routine kicks in again...

just me, or do others do this shit too...?

it don't bother me much, just wondering...

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I do it too Villan, although I do kinda have a routine Saturday morning but only cleaning and washing

I'm off work for three weeks and for the past few days I've sat here watching the clock waiting for bed time.

It doesn't bother me either, I like my own time and space but the odd visitor is nice. But saying that by the end of my second week off, I usually cannot wait for routine again.

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thanks for replying hun - feels way better that i am not the only one - and also that it doesn't bother you either... maybe its something that we just do and it's ok... just needed to check i guess... xxx

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I'm not working at the moment, I have a few appointments each week and I don't always make them. I made an agreement with my dad and my key worker that I would be showered and dressed my 1pm every day. (I know that must sound dreadfully lazy.) I get out of bed around 8am but I hang around playing games online, blogging, talking to friends online. I don't have much happening at the moment, I don't know what I will do.

I have so little going on I don't really look at the clock much!


(I say I get up at 8am truthfully 4 out of 7 days it is probably nearer 11am)

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i guess routine is good - but when we get a curve ball - like today when i am snowed in - i guess we start questioning stuff...

it's hard - isn't it... i got dressed today but only cos i have to go out of the house to smoke - i think if i didn't i would still be in night clothes...

good on you bea having a routine when you don't have outside influences to dictate it! xx

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Villan, the only reason I got dressed today is to go to the shop for cigarettes. Normally I stock up for the weekend, so I can clean in my PJs :D

I think It's good to have a day in which you have nothing important to do, we may not realise it until we don't have that day "doing nothing", It helps me recuperate.

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Feeling goalless leaves me prey losing structure in my life and it happens all the time. I am constantly trying and failing over and over to make a routine that feels healthy. Sometimes it is self help & therapy or meditation or self care, or cleaning everything spotless, or swimming, but whatever it is I fall in and out of it regularly. You are definitely not alone.

I don't get dressed until I absolutely have to or run my bath or shower until it is a pressing point of the day that I must. Personally, I think it shows a real lack of commitment to myself and my own life that I can not be bothered to love and care for myself consistently.

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Yeah I don't think I'd bother showering unless I had to leave the house - which I usually do for work/vol work.. as soon as I stop having the responsibilities, I stop looking after myself. But yeah, I also get sick at the other end with having everything structured as 90% of the time I'm busy, booking myself to do things, for other people to do things... constant control, order... like how I grew up... :-( I hate the structure, but I feel so empty when I'm not busy, but I feel when I'm busy I know I'm just trying to hide the emptiness... :-(

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I just exist but I usually have a bath and get dressed and put make up on because that makes me feel slightly more deserving of being alive if I can be a nothing useless horrible person but at least I look nice. I only skip this if I am feeling very ill physically. But physically I'm getting worse and worse so I'm only getting dressed every other day now and I think its bad I'm not getting dressed. I feel more vulnerable when I'm not dressed and that matters because I live with my mum.

But that's nothing against people who don't get dressed. it's just something I personally have to do. I wish I could go to the doctors without being in full make up and a dress and heels, maybe then people would take me more seriously. But I can't. For everyone else it's fine. For me it's wrong.

I get up at 2pm now. I feel so physically ill when I wake up I have to just lie there. So I don't think anyone is lazy. Illness of any kind can make any kind of movement so hard and there are so many movements involved in getting up.

I'm sorry if any of this sounds wrong. I think there's bad things in my head atm.

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Well it is past 1pm and I'm not dressed! Sahara Blue I feel much as you say and Emma you have good motivation I'm sorry you feel ill.

It sounds like I need to start smoking! (only joking!)


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Hi Villan

I guess I just try do what needs doing- the basics of keeping oneself clean, and the house sand cats reasonably clean.

I am not a neat freak by any means, my house is "lived in but cosy" i think anyway.

Yesterday I had the day to myself-(internet was down) I filled it in with DS games, reading literature on studying anthropology in uni this year, cat love, putting away a box of mums stuff , (i have several boxes of linens / plates etc left- it upsets me) then i hit a 'blank'. Just wanted to lie down and it was only 6pm. Took some zopiclone and slept for 3 hours, woke up at 9pm feeling shite.

You are lucky to have a job and routine, I hope to get that this year in October. Because trying to 'fill in' each day is hard, esp with the January blues. Urrrrrrgh. Take care of yourself, Love xx am

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