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I Have A Cunning Plan!


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Lately I can't get up in the morning... okay by lately I mean the past 24 years but it has recently got much worse again. What with being jobless, kind of numb, and tired from meds/ emotionally drained I have been finding myself getting up at about 1pm every day and I'd happily just sleep til the evening if I could.

I have already tried

a) getting up

B) getting my parents to get me up

c) getting the boyfriend to ring me to wake me up

d) hiding alarms around my room/ setting multiple alarms

e) putting the alarm on the top of my wardrobe and putting the step i need to reach the top down the hallway

f) locking an alarm in a lock box and putting the key in a glass of water (hoping it would wake me up to put my hand in cold water)

g) locking the alarm clock in a lock box and putting the key in a glass of energy drink hoping I'd remember to take a swig... I just poured it into the sink and got the key and went back to bed. I suppose that's good... could sleepily have swallowed the key otherwise!

None of these have worked, the only thing that has worked is when I stay at my boyfriend's and he wakes me up as I need to take him to work. This I can do quite easily. People pleasing has some advantages! But I need to get up on my own!

So now I am planning on locking the alarm in my lock box as well as setting other alarms around the room and putting the key (attached to a length of string) on the windowsill outside. The end of the string will be secured to the inside of my window so I don't accidentally drop the key in the guttering outside. The key to open the window I will hide somewhere else in my room.

I am hoping that having to find the keys to open the window followed by a blast of cold snowy air and then having to open the lockbox will be enough to wake me up. Then all I have to do is resist going back to bed which has always been the problem...

This is all very elaborate and more than a little ludicrous and I'm beginning to think perhaps I should look into just why I don't want to get up in the morning.

I will inform you all of the results of my experiement on the morrow.

For Science!


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Hi Kit,

Your post made me laugh out loud. I can so relate, mind you I haven't tried as hard as you with your intricate and hilarious plans!

I am jobless & on meds too, and altho i get up at 7am & have to stay up for an hour with my son (17) going off to school, I have started going back to bed when before december I would always stay up and do housework, go to the large far-away supermarket, etc, just have enthusiasm for life I guess.

I think if you had a structure or a reward system built into your day it would help. When we had the tv i would treat myself to Jeremy Kyle (squirm) and nice coffee at 9.25am. A guilty pleasure :)

I know why I won't stay up- there are 5 boxes of Mums stuff - nice delph, electrical appliances, linens, etc in boxes downstairs, and I just can't face them. My cousin sent them up about a week after she died and they've been sitting there like a big horrible reminder that she has gone and I miss her so much, and I need to put the stuff away.

Is there something you like to do- game, tv prog (Jezza? :) ) or something you could do to stay awake?

Leaving clothes out the night before really helps me as well, its much easier to get oneself up and harder to go back to bed fully dressed!

Hope your plan works!!! xx am

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I'd offer to act as a control--for science!--but I have a dog who won't goddamn leave me alone at 6:30 every morning. Faced with the threat of a big black lab crossing his doggie legs at me, I am forced to act. Every. Single. Stinking. Morning.

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Results are in!

Didn't work...

But there was promise, the chill coming through the window did wake me up a bit, I did take a swig of energy drink that I hid the key to the window under. If only it had worked! Mirtazapine is a bitch.

But ultimately the problem is me returning to bed. I suppose I will have to consider a way to keep me from going back to bed!

I will have to think of a reward system/ structure as you suggest Badkitteh, I'm so undiscplined it may be difficult. I'm sorry to hear about the boxes, could you maybe put them somehwere in storage until you're ready to go through them whenever that will be?

I think maybe the structure would come if I was perhaps doing some kind of work or even voluntary work that I had to get up for in the morning... although last time I either just didn't turn up for voluntary work (damn you mental health and shame complex) or turned up late to work (because nobody gave me a warning for it, they were far too relaxed!).

If it's something I know I have to be there for or want to be there for I get up on time, I still cut it close but I get there..

Had therapy today and therapist suggested that I could turn up for her because I had respect for her (my suspicion also part of the people pleasing aspect as I don't want to piss her off) but don't respect myself.

Which is all very well but when my days look like this -

*wakes up*

'I should get out of bed'

*can't be bothered*

'I know why I don't want to get out of bed, it's because I don't respect myself or my own goals and needs. how comforting to know this!'

*closes eyes and sleeps*

*wakes up at 1pm*

'Well at least I know why!'

It isn't helpful!

Andy I may have to borrow your dog : p

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just some ideas off the top of my head. I hate getting out of bed, its just so snuggly and warm. I let myself stay in bed for longer if I'm physically ill and I think that's ok but there is this kind of blurred stage where I do feel quite ill but I could get up really, if I managed to persuade myself.

I don't like my bed if it isn't made- if there are no sheets or anything like that I don't even want to sit on my bed. So I know this is a lot of work but if you get up and put your bedclothes in the washing machine then your bed will look less comfy. Even if you just give it a quick rinse or put it in cold water or something that might help keep you out of bed.

This is kind of leading on from Badkitteh's TV idea but if theres nothing you want to see at the right sort of time maybe you could record something from the night before or get a dvd? if you can get into a boxset that might be good as it will keep you going for a while tho maybe you will be tempted to watch it all in one sitting

or maybe you could see this site as a sort of voluntary job? Don't put too much pressure on yourself but maybe you could set yourself a challenge like 1 supportive post on this site every day at 11am? Then you can gradually make it earlier if you want or put it up to 2 posts as an incentive to stay out of bed for a bit longer. But it is hard with something like that because it does depend on what people are asking for help with.

or one of my favourite parts of the day is breakfast. I only have a silce of toast with butter (thats all I can manage) but I really really love buttered toast. So thats kind of like a reason to get out of bed. maybe you could have something you really love for breakfast.

that's all I can think of sorry xxx

edit- no I've had 1 more idea. Maybe you could do a different waking up exercise every day, it might make it a bit more interesting and you'll have to wake yourself up a bit to remember what day it is and what is todays waking up method. even if its just 'is the key outside, downstairs or on the cupboard?'

oh and I read in a book once that if you put your face and hands into cold water it really wakes you up. It didn't work for me but you never know.

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(((Kitsune))) i think you have already identified the problem. It is needing to have a real purpose and reason and the feeling of being needed, to kick us in to touch. I can easily sleep in for long long time if I have no reason to get up.

Well a solution for me, just the last couple of days, to have to get up early and regularly (((aaaaagh))) I hate it, but I know I must do it, is because my cat has been diagnosed with Diabetes (2 days ago) and he has to have 2 injections twice a day 12 hours apart.

Well I set up my alarm this morning (((I have a day off for heavens sake))) but he needs me, and I would be responsible for some of his suffering & possible premature death If I don't give him what he needs.

When I first heard that he had it, i thought how am I going to cope, no more lie ins. (Yes, this did actually cross my mind I'm ashamed to say)

Well, in the end he comes first ((more than for myself)) so I set my alarm this morning for 7.30 & I was dozing and dozing but didn't turn it off, and then I knew I had to feed and give him jab at 8. This got me up. I thought I would go back to bed, but instead I have kept myself up even though he is sleeping and snoring next to me. so for now, this is gonna drag me out of bed, cos my boy matters to me, more than myself.

Apart from your boyfriend, could you have a pet that you are responsible for?.

Its tough, I know, its about having a reason or a purpose to get up for.xx

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Hey guys thanks for the feedback.

Emma I'll try stripping the bed I think, see if that'll urge me to wake up a bit and will try some of the other things that you've suggested, I think the change in method will help too. Breakfast thing may not be viable as I'm awful for missing breakfast... but when I sleep til 1pm that's hardly surprising!

Think I defnitely need to make reasons to get out of bed and probably voluntary work is the best option as I'll at least be answerable to someone other than myself seeing as I can't seem to get up to do my stuff!

I'm sorry to hear about your cat Pickle, it's good that you're taking so much care of him!

We have a cat but my mum feeds him- which we both know she'll still do if I sleep in which nullifies the point. And as I live in my parents house when he's passed on it's pretty much a no go fo any other animal til I move out and can afford to keep my own!

I will try the method again tommorrow (today even) as well as bed stripping and pure good old fashioned willpower!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am doomed to merely stay up late so as to try and get the most out of my day. I am resigned to my fate. My sleepy, warm, comfortable fate!

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