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Treatments For Fast Flowing/unstoppable Thoughts


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I'm having problems with concentrating. I know usually I do anyway (I don't have, or haven't been diagnosed with ADD) I think I displayed symptoms when I was younger of hyperactivity, not able to concentrate, except when I totally zoned out for ages on something I was particularly interested in. Running before walking, being sick with food as I would eat it way too fast... anyway...

the lack of concentration at present is due to racing thoughts... and the only thing that seems to stop them is when I'm talking about me on here... (i.e. something I'm interested in, or doing activity puzzles)... they seem to just overtake my head and have control at all other times...the thoughts are I think my thoughts, but I can't control where they go, what they say... but it's in my voice in my head...

The thoughts are mainly discussing life, things it sees around me, people, past things, future things... sort of in an anxious type of way... but I don't necessarily feel anxious about them...

I've been feeling really anxious yesterday, because I've been around people, and worried that when I go to work soon (about to go there now) that I'll both the anxiety, feeling sick, and these thoughts still. I have work I really have to get done, but don't seem to be able to concentrate on it. :-(

Has anyone had something similar? Is anyone on any meds to stop them?

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I don't know if this is me or you. I felt obligated to read your post at speed! How strange, I read it as if you were speaking quickly, has anyone else found this?

I have this problem at night times, I seem to be thinking about three things at the same time. Last night I was reviewing my time spent under section, a TV advertisement from the NSPCC and whether I would sleep or not. Unsurprisingly I ended up feeling quite sick and got out of bed again.

I don't have any advice other than to distract but if you're at work then that won't help. :hug2:


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I can have short periods of racing thoughts under stress but more often it makes my thinking freeze. Noticed that my gestures get quickened or slowed down too. I've no specific medication for that, anti-anxiety meds help a little bit when on high voltage. I automedicate my frozen brain with small doses of coffee but it's not an optimal solution since it make me joyful and I tend to abuse it sometimes.

Send you encouragements, I'm having concentration issues at work too at the moment.

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Thanks. Yeah I seem to alternate between fast millions of thoughts to none, both are no good for trying to work.its a nightmare. Not sure if its worth seeing my gp again as I don't think he'll want to perscribe me anything. I'm already on an antidepressant which seems useless. Im pretty sure I need something to just combat anxiety, and urgh, I don't know what. Sick of feeling sick so easily. The gp has been nice twice now and I don't want to push my luck. Xx

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((AppleCrumble)) :) Do you practice breathing techniques/meditation daily routines, even when not stressed at the moment? Asking because it's not a magical miracle but it does help me to alleviate some of the stress, crisis are less frequent and less hard to manage with this tip. Also, medications usually take a bit of time before becoming noticably effective so I hope it's just getting started for you which is why you find it useless at the moment.

Sending spiritual love and care to you.

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Thanks, no not really. I did try it once, but I tend to enjoy overbreathing, and go OTT with the deep breathes... although that was a while ago...

I don't know. I guess, I wish someone would just come and save me, I don't know why I don't seem to try to help myself :-/ can't work it out.

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Okay, to deep breaths are not a good idea I guess. Makes lightheaded and can worsen the feelings.

I had the same wish, would be wonderful do have a magic wand, wouldn't it? Do you feel able to try to enjoy an activity you usually like, for examples watching a cool movie or drawing something, or listening to music? Or taking a short walk if you're comfortable with outside? Maybe you have a list written with all what you particularly enjoy, if so refer to it. It's so hard to stay logical in order to help ourselves when overstressed, the truth is it just mess up so much our minds that it's difficult to remember what to do. Lists and tools are great to rely on during crisis.

I'm staying with you if you need, it will get better within some time.

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Yeah, definitely would love a magic wand... just to feel what other people seem to get out of life. There's not really anything I feel I enjoy, even going to the cinema feels like too much effort to concentrate on. Tried drawing but didn't really find it helpful, can't think of anything I ever get enjoyment out of tbh... it feels like everything I do is for other people, or because my mum wanted me to do it, because it seemed normal....

I don't really feel like going outside - I leave the house as I've gone to work during the week - but I don't leave the house for the sake of a walk, just feel uncomfortable not going from A to B, for a purpose... generally don't like walking anyway, or exercise... I had a go playing an instrument I used to play, but didn't really help, and same with reading and other things... just no motivation to do anything... :-(

I think I'm a bit obsessive with diaries and planning things. I'm trying to have a break from overdoing things, usually I'm out 24/7 apart from sleeping, doing voluntary things and things for other people... at present, because I'm not feeling up to doing things myself, I've been trying to take over my partners social/hobby life, getting him booked with practices for his group etc... even though I'm not part of the group. I really need to stop trying to control things :-(

Annoyingly I have a piece of work to do for uni/PhD and I'm struggling with that at present too. How do I explain to my supervisor that I have no motivation, that I don't have the energy, the urge, the need to do anything anymore... that I can't concentrate or think about things, my mind just switches off... :-( Unless I'm dead, or attempting, I don't feel able to justify my failures at my work. Stupid, but yeah :-(

Thanks for your support today, appreciate you replying.

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Sorry for the late reply, got caught in the business of my return to work.

I think I experienced in the past a bit of all what you expressed in your last post. How are you now? Hope the crisis point is off.

Concerning your work, I think you should not use the idea that you have no motivation left, it's something people might misinterprete as motivation is a key concept in the worl of work. Don't want you to get troubles for a bad choice of words. My advice would be to focus more on fatigue, lack of energy and not being able to concentrate anymore, maybe headaches. Guess it should be sufficient info for your superiors/coworkers to understand better the problem.

Hugs for you, nice buddy. ;)

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I struggle a lot with this. It usually ends up with a negative thing but I do try to hold out as long as I can, trying to distract

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