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How Can I Prevent My New Gp From Referring Me To The Psychiatrist?


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I went to see my new GP this morning.

She said she'd wait to see my records, but she might decide to refer me to the psychiatrist.
I feel devastated, tbh, of course I'm just a random person with mh issues on anti-depressants. But.
I didn't have chance to say how well I'm doing in overcoming the isolation and how big a deal some of the things I'm doing now are. I hope she decides against it.
Am going to see if my therapist can write her a letter. Maybe.

I have phoned Mind and have some ideas. They say that I DO have a choice.

But it makes me feel so powerless. And degraded.

I didn't even get a chance to say how well I'm doing. How big a deal moving house was for me. How I'm breaking out of a lifetime of isolation. How I'm connecting with people so much more and doing so many new things.

I hope that when she reads my records she will see I'm 'ok', and won't refer me again.

What have I done wrong?

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No one can make you see a psych, I am sure she is just being cautious not knowing you yet. Sounds good all the things u have been doing. How is your new place?

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My new place is amazing.

Yes, maybe once she reads my records.

I just feel so.. trodden on. My efforts rubbished, as it were. Not that she even knows what my efforts have been!

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If it comes to it and she refers to you, just don't go to the appointment. There is nothing they can do to make you see somebody you don't want to see.

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And also, I wouldn't see your GP referring you as a slight against you. If you have access to that kind of service, maybe it would be a good idea to consider it, even if you are feeling better. They would be able to ensure you don't slip back down again.

I'd kill to see a proper psychiatrist!

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(((JasmineRose))) Just a thought.xxx I can empathise with you with fundamentally feeling that your new GP hasn't connected with you as a person just yet, but, rather than thinking of this referral as a slight, think of it as a postive and tell the new psych all the good things in your life, and how well you are doing, and then maybe he/she will then discharge you from the MHT. I don't think the GP can do this, so maybe see it as a positive move rather than a slight.xx

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But I'm not even under the MHT in the first place! I was discharged from consultant psych back to GP for meds 8 years ago. I am in private psychotherapy. I really don't understand why she didn't even ask how things are going at work, and with having moved and all.

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(((JasmineRose))) Oh I see, sorries.xxxx I didn't realise that you were discharged eons ago and are having private therapy. Then I would be more than a little upset too.

Maybe with more time and catching her on a better day maybe (maybe she was having a bad day) she will connect more with who you are and what you do :(

I think it took a long while for my GP to know what I did for a living, I don't think I ever had cause to talk about it, and he didn't ask until i started having problems with carpal tunnel syndrome & I think then he asked me how it affected me in my daily livings & work.

Feel like a right plonker and maybe Ive said enough, but I really hope things improve with GP and if not, please see if there is someone else you can see.xx There are doctors in my surgery and one locum. If I can't get to see my regular one I always see the locum (whoever it might be) cos I don't like or click with the other one.xx

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Thank you so much for understanding.

I'll try and reply more when not on my phone.

Wondering whether writing to her would help. Or phoning PALS. Or seeing the nurse at the surgery to see if she can advocate.

I think it's something to do with my being on mirtaz..

Am making amazing progress but am scared they'll diss my therapy even so. Should I just come off the meds?

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(((JasmineRose))) Sounds like really good ideas re writing to her and also seeing the nurse at surgery too.xx The more you have in tow who can be involved the better me thinks.x Maybe leave the Pals bit to see if you need to go down that route. Ive never had much success with PALS and I thought that was more to do with complaints. Ive often found PALS to be too far removed to be effective. Writing and tagging a nurse is much more hands on..x Re stopping meds, I personally wouldn't do this without first getting past the first hurdle re being listened to and connected with. How long have you been on them? Do you feel they are still helping you? Sounds like these need to be discussed with a medical person too.xx

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  • 1 month later...

Hi JasmineRose - I definitely wouldn't stop taking the mirtazapine if it is working for you. I admire you so much for getting your life so sorted out - moving, working, private therapy - it must have taken such a lot of work on your part. I understand that you feel that none of this has been validated by the new GP but, honestly, I think this is probably a case of a robotic new doctor, processing his/her new patients without taking / having the time to look beyond the surface and perhaps he/she doesn't have any experience of mental health or is nervous of it and is just playing safe? I would write a short, factual letter, outlining exactly why you do not need the appointment, ring the psychiatrist's and cancel and be done with it. Next time you see the GP you could evaluate whether you want to continue with this GP or find another one who is a bit more user-friendly? Good luck xx

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Thank you both.

Pickle, I've been on the medication 8 years. They're definitely still helping me. I mean, my sleep's still a bit erratic, but I am under soo much stress.

Orpyz, I think that you're pretty spot on. Especially with the 'robotic' bit. She actually is involved in training final year med students so I would imagine she has at least a working knowledge of MH issues...

She's not sorted an appointment yet - I guess the decision will be revealed at my next appointment. But I am currently avoiding her until I absolutely need to see her for my next repeat prescription. It was the plan I see her around now. But tough, I'm waiting. I just don't feel strong enough to stick up for myself and my needs right now. Not to say that I need the psychiatrist for that, just, well, yeah. And I'm nearly through a 2 week therapy break, so when we're back next week I can work towards the GP thing.

The trouble is there are barely any other practices near me. Which is strange for suburbia, I would have thought.

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