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Wolves In Sheeps Clothes


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There y0u were kind and wise

Ieading us 0n a path

But when my path started t0 curve

Y0u waited f0r me in pIain sight

Kn0wing I w0uId feeI secure in y0ur presence

0nIy t0 catch me in my vuInerabiIity

and instead 0f picking me up

0ff the damp underbeIIy 0f the f0rest fI00r

y0u dragged my Iimp b0dy thr0ugh the mud

Bef0re y0u sp0ke 0f my abiIity,

Iike a sure thing and a fact

And n0w I w0nder if it was aII a ruse

A I0ng drawn 0ut farce

T0 get me g00d and c0mf0rtabIe

T0 make me feeI secure

With y0u and with myseIf

But y0u waited f0r me

Waited f0r me t0 faII apart

T0 make sure I c0uId n0 I0nger speak

Y0u waited f0r me t0 care f0r y0u

In such a way I c0uId n0t beIieve..

C0uId n0t beIieve y0ur Uncharacteristic intents

even as they seeped thr0ugh my head

and suff0cated my b0dy

Y0u used my h0nesty against me

My need t0 meet the needs 0f 0thers, t0 heIp

And y0u tainted everything I knew t0 be true

And y0u Ieft me here weeping, kn0wing what I kn0w

Kn0wing what I kn0w and n0 0ne eIse kn0ws

And I can’t bring myseIf t0 teII them

T0 aIter their perspective In a way I can’t take back

And t0 hurt y0u in return, as y0u hurt me

Cuz I stiII can’t bare t0 hurt y0u, even n0w

But y0u kn0w this d0n’t y0u

Y0u kn0w I can n0 I0nger speak with cIarity

And that I w0uId rather nurture the snake wh0 bit me

Than watch it’s w0rId faII apart, if they t00k it away

But I watch and prey y0u w0nt d0 the same

T0 an0ther wh0 seeks y0ur guidance

D0n’t y0u see y0u were the pers0n!

The pers0n I I00ked up at fr0m the b0tt0m 0f a weII

Y0u had the perfect Iife, 0r s0 I th0ught

A weII r0unded existence

FuII 0f j0y, magic, and criticaI thinking

S0 h0w is it that in 0ne m0ment 0f b0red0m 0r

0f getting caught up in r0utine

the mundane m0ments 0f Iife

y0u th0ught t0 burden me

by speaking t0 me in t0ngues

and reveaIing where that t0ngue has been

and where y0u’d Iike it t0 be

and never st0pping t0 think

h0w it might affect a girI

wh0’s been Iet d0wn again and again

and seen 0nIy as the tip

0f an iceburg reaching far beI0w the sea

h0w I wiII carry it with me as I cIimb

the same m0untain I’ve been CIimbing f0r years

0nIy t0 faII each time a pebbIe

gets added t0 the I0ad I carry

Yet the hardest part is stiII

Sitting here in siIence

As I watch 0thers with their bright eyes

I00k up at y0u the way I 0nce did

N0t kn0wing h0w t0 pr0tect them

0r h0w many 0thers are Iike me

I Iike 0ur secret taIks he says

Iets pick up where we Ieft 0ff

An0ther day, an0ther time

as if ending 0ne 0f his Iectures

t0 teach me the same Iess0n

again and again

that n0thing is as it seems

and that w0Ives hide in sheeps cI0thes

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That's incredibly powerful and heartbreaking :sofa::hug2::grouphug[1]: .

I would hope that you have dealt with those Demons, and reported accordingly, for only in truth can we grow!!


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it resonnates very deeply with some of our experiences and we echo what apollo said - about dealing with the demons

although we know that is yet more verses

thankyou for sharing it with us and so very sorry its there for you xx

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