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Not Being The Victim


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Hello all

I just wanted to write this down somewhere and maybe some of you will hopefully feel the same or part of you may feel it.

I woke up this morning angry frustrated and fed up as I see everything slip away From me my loved ones, my work my passions do often I've had this feeling and felt that I'm stuck between a hard stone and a rock not being able to get out if the darkness in my mind or in my health if I did try. Then I realised as I thought back to how long this cycle has had a a rope around my life and thought I don't want to be the victim anymore I want to bet this. I can't imagine being comfortable in my own skin to be functional and anxiety free but if my mind was this strong to take me down a negative path then surely it can be strong enough to grow and fly out of this negativity . I have a long way to go and mustering the energy to go through such a long path back to living seems at times impossible . But holding on to the little moments of these thoughts for a little longer each time my build a muscle memory a sense of purpose, belief layering and layering until I'm standing strong and safe again is what must guide us. My whole life I have had the same sensations bodily sensations anxieties and fears but that's not to say we can't re learn and run towards a happy and healthy place . I'm going to hold on to this thought as long as I can and I hope others can find a little comfort in it.


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Hey bellaboo,

I know how you feel, many times Ive felt almost trapped. It's like everything is up to you to change but that just feels impossible and then you feel like you're going to lose that! Well done though for being able to think of the positive things, being able to do this shows how strong you are. This is going to take a while but you just have to stay strong and focus on why you want to get better and beat this, easier said than done I know. Stay positive and try not to focus on the negatives because that could have the opposite affect and thats not good. Keep your head above the surface and keep trying, hopefully you'll start to see improvements soon. Hugs. xx

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