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How To Fight Off Bpd Dementors ?


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I've begun to see BPD as the dementors from Harry Potter.

They suck all of the joy and hapiness away and replease it with confusion,despair, loathing...blah blah

When you are having the worst days, the days when you are suicidal, can't even move, can't do anything...

How do you pick yourself up? xxx

They try and force me not to fight and fill me with anger for trying...I need to beat them away

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. Find out what makes each of these dementors come and hurt you and use this knowledge as your antidote. If the trigger is a certain smell and the dementors skill is making you angry and afraid, then avoid the smell and do the opposite to what being angry and afraid makes you want to do. So to defeat that dementor you need to use the anger to fuel something positive and distract yourself through the afraid part. There is one dementor defeated... Where there is a villain there is always a superhero to challenge it with!

Brilliant way of looking at Uncomfortable symptoms. I find it easier to see my symptoms as objects or characters sometimes. Learn their weakness and you will conquer.

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*brandishes stick from a tree* 'Expecto Patronum!'

*does nothing*

'Aw.... should've used a different stick.'

I understand the feeling, J.K.Rowling herself suggests that the dementors are a metaphor for depression and mental health.

I agree with what Shortiee has said, she's got some very good points. It's about learning what feeds the dementors and what their weakness is, it sounds like you're ready to fight. But remember that it's better to fight with support than just on your own : )


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