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Suicidal Woman 'told To Have A Cup Of Tea' By Nhs Helpline


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I just found a news story that I think a lot of people here will be able to identify with:
A woman threatening to take her own life said she felt "let down" when an NHS helpline told her to "have a hot drink and watch the television".
The woman, identified only as Sallyann, told the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust's Crisis Team she had a razor and was "desperate".
"(They) had no idea at all of how to talk to me or what I needed," she said.
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Even though I see how that is frustrating when you are suicidal, I really don't see the alternative. I have been told that so many times and it used to boil my piss so badly, but what the hell else can they say? Nothing is going to stop you feeling suicidal in that moment and if they admitted people every time they felt suicidal, there'd be no room in hospitals for anyone else. Yes, I think they could talk to you better and listen, but I think that's what the Samaritans are for, they are better at listening than the NHS.

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i think part of the problem is the way the service is advertised. it's shown as being who you call if you are feeling that way out, but the people on the other end cant deliver what the patient has been promised. i think it needs a complete remodel and look at different ways you help someone who is in crisis.

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I think the Crisis team does need a revamp, but it's true there's a limit to what they can reasonably do with the funding and stuff they have. But there must be something better they can say than 'tea ad tv' if you're at crisis point.

Unless it's magic tea...

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*passes cup of bedtime tea*

I've just finished a cup... feel mildly drowsy but not yet enlightened! Magic ain't what it used to be apparently!

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I have phoned the crisis team before and was told to have a milky drink and go to bed when am struggling with voices and cant sleep because of this

i think they could offer better advice or something

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Wow, a milky drink and go to bed. To combat voices. That's pretty crap tbh, I really don't think that a drink and bed is going to help with something which seems terrifying : /

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There is only so much the crisis team can do I agree with that.

Last year I was in crisis and I was told to go the shops Lol, I was in a state and couldn't leave the house.


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I think basically anything that puts time and space between feeling suicidal and acting upon it is a better option, and the fact that you have bothered to ring someone shows that you have the initiative to do that already. Having to make a drink of any kind refocuses your attention elsewhere.

When I feel this way I give myself 5 minutes before I act upon the feelings, and then five more and so on, I have to keep doing things until the voices pass or the feelings subside, sometimes I knacker myself out so that I have to sleep and then see how I feel in the morning. Every five minutes I am still alive means someone else hasn't won, I have.

You are right, the people on the phone don't know what to say because they haven't been there and their knowledge and empathy isn't enough.

When you are not in crisis research the places that WOULD be able to help when you are in crisis, sounds morbid but at least you have a plan.

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The problem I have is that when I have nights where I am desperate and low and hanging by a thread there is no one with knowledge and empathy to turn to. Been there done that with the phone thing. Never works.. just makes me feel more like shit.

It was just the other night actually... another night of drinking on meds, coped by taking 10 sleeping pills.

Oddly someone who came back into my life who was helping me cope (and he is fucked) is now gone again.. he'll be back - but for now i'm alone again with no one to talk to

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Im sorry that you have no-one there for you at the moment Emily, but Im glad you have this site, its easier to share with people who have walked in your shoes and understand some of what you are going through.

Hold in there x

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