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Hi all

I have heard that you can develop an underactive thyroid whilst in anorexia but also permenantly post anorexia. I know people who have this problem post ed it seems very in fair and I feel would be worst nightmare knowing that even if you let go of the control your are doomed to have to be careful your whole life having perhaps not had problems prior to ed. I'm worried as I'm in recovery but my restriction is very low and my body weight does not match up to my restriction and I'm worried that once I've gone through and achieved a normal intake that after the normalising stage the gain etc that I will have an underactive thyroid and struggle to maintain a natural weight. I'm not that much under my natural weight anymore despite the low restriction and was exercising heavily (not for last 8 weeks)

I have bloods every two weeks would these be checking thyroid? I'm panicking .

Any info advice welcomed :::((((


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Ive not heard of this. I never had it. But best u get it checked out if u worried. Speak to your dr too

good luck

emo xx

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I can't say I'm familiar with this either. I don't know if routine bloods check thyroid function - best to ask whoever takes them every 2 weeks I'd say.

I know it's incredibly hard not to panic about everything during re-feeding/weight gain/recovery but try not to worry about things that could happen and what if's. Try and take each day as it comes as far as you are able. Like I said, I know it's hard though.

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You will prob have to ask your doctor to do a test for your thyroid. I have under active thryoid but it was due to pregnancy, never heard that having an ED causes this. I have also a ED but again that was well before devloping under active. Not sure how else to ease ur mind hun, wish u the best xxx

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Thankyou everyone for your responses, the person I knew that had under active had an ed but actually developed it after pregnancy. I've read that its under active as a response to starvation I suppose to keep your body safe so like sub clinical. I'm probably just panicking about having a normal intake of cals and what and how that will feel as I feel huge now and have had comments to say that I should weigh less in relation to my intake but I am athletic and have great deal of muscle trained since I was 6 in gymnastics and dance . Thankyou ill ask gp or team too xx

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