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My Teeth Are Falling Out Of My Head


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I am in pain.

Of the toothaclure kind (yeah, i just made that word up)

I'm such an idiot- my Dr told me he had another bulimic patient who had to have all of her teeth extracted...and do I go to the dentist? no. Do I stop making myself sick? no. Do I believe him? well, yeah, my own tongue can attest to the fact that the holes in my teeth are getting larger every day (or so it feels), they must be in league with my body which is also getting larger every day. In the spirit of rambling (which is one thing i think I do quite well), i find i can spend 6 days off the alcohol, but then i binge every night. So if my b/f isn't worried about the booze, he's worried about the fact that I can eat non-stop for hours, vomit, then eat some more. I can only explain this with the following (dubious) analogy... you know how if you're holding a water balloon, and you squeeze it, it just makes funny shapes- you can't change the amount of water in the balloon, you can just move it around. And this is how i feel about my behaviour...if it's not booze, it's food, if it's not that, it's cutting, not that it's weed...see where i am going? it's like i have a certain base level of shit in one balloon that no matter how i manipulate, i can't affect the VOLUME of crap, just where it goes (or how it comes out). Not sure if i am making any sense but so grateful to have this forum here so I can just sound off. my eating disorder has been hardest to explain out of all my 'borderline' behaviour (forgive me for applying the label) but it's the part of me I have held onto and kept secret for so much longer than anything else. Well, all this spouting shit didn't make my pain go away, oh well. Thanks to anyone who read.


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Thanks for the explaination. It makes perfect sense

to me and thanks for letting us in on your secret.

I don't know what nps means either. Could be

No Possible Shit, or Not Perfectly Sane! :P



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you might have to go and see a dentist because i dont think the tooth ache will go by itself ....

i hope your teeth arnt that bad and i understand what you are saying about changing one behavour pattern for another ...

take care and hope the pain eases soon

with luv Janie xxxx

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Understand Anwen-been there! I'm still ruining my teeth with grinding them (in my sleep)-They sure have a hard time. Its worth seeing a dentist anyway-just be honest-they're used to it these days.

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You probably need to see a dentist although listen to me, I haven't been to a dentist since I was 10 !

The best advice I ever read on any of these ED sites was that after youve been sick you should not brush your teeth, but just use mouthwash instead. The stoamch acid weakens the enamel and then the brushing just brushes bits of it away. Probably too late for many of us seasoned purgers but good advice to those whose body is still savable !!

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yeah, the pain is less today but I know i have to go to the Dentist...highly anxious about this, had a dentist in the past who got 2 of his assistants to hold me down while he did his stuff, most distressing. I have spent half of my life doing this to my body so i wouldn't be surprised if all the teeth have to come out.

And no, verbena, you ain't being dense, I am the same Anwen as before just hiding under a different title, didn't mean to confuse so sorry about that.

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hey calyps you ever thought about taking a sedative before densist im sure there is herbal ones if your doc wont help you through the scary trip to dentist.. i hate dentists.. dont like anyone peering into my face let alone my mouth and im lying there..

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I hope that your toothache is feeling a bit better now.

I can understand your reluctance to go to the dentist, no-one should ever hold you down at the dentists. When you go in, could you explain that you are anxious? Most dentists are aware of dental phobia now-a-days and there are things that they could do to lower your anxiety e.g. tell you what they are going to do before doing it, or introduce a 'stop signal' where you raise your hand when you want a break and they will stop for a bit. All good dentists should know these basic techniques. If they don't tell you about these, you can ask them to do it.

My dentist did ask about my ED, so they might do that, just to warn you in advance, but were good about it and didn't lecture me, just told me what to do to limit damage.

Good look with it.


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Hi Anwen,

I know you are scared but I just saw this TV show where this girl with bulimia had lost her teeth and she had false ones put in. I do not mean to scare you but I would hate it to happen to you. Please take care of yourself.



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Cheers for the info Tiggs,

and Emma, you're so sweet, but I think my teeth have reached a point beyond salvation.

I know what I have to do, i am working on the courage to do it. I shall be going to the dentist.

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good for you calyps :)

see if he can really help you

will be thinking about you, keep us up todate in what happens..

((huggies )))

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