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They Don't Trust My Changes


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Hi everyone

So I hit crisis point again and made another decision to really put my all in to recovery I uped my cals and have been feeling much better until this week were I just feel like death again . But anyway I've uped intake and kept it consistent and I have lost weight I went cold turkey and hasn't weighed for the longest time I've ever not weighed so in therapy refused to get weighed but because I know it has to be monitored I got home and weighed in and I've lost. The problem is I told my family and boyfriend and now they have shut off again and are cross like I've been lying to them but I honestly have worked so hard this few weeks.anyone had this?


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Sorry you've lost. Congratulations for upping your intake, that's good to hear. I didn't understand what the problem is with your family, don't they trust your improvements?

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The thing I've learnt about weight over the many years of my ED is that it doesn't always follow the pattern you think it should. Just stick with your positive changes and in time they will lead to weight gain. You need to be consistently eating more calories than you burn every day to put weight on so once you're doing that for a while your body will start storing some of the energy. If you are still not eating more calories than you're burning (even though you're eating more than you have been) then you may still see a loss on the scales.

Keep at it, it's great that you are making such a concerted effort towards recovery. I've been there and know how hard it is but you can do it.

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Thankyou Artemis84

This all makes sense . It is so hard but I'm determined this time I know its going to take time but I have time now. Just trying to keep everyone believing me its not their fault I've lied a lot in the past about ed. Thankyou for you experience

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Hi Bellaboo,

I know where you're coming from on both parts.

I too get the feeling that people are starting to give up hope with me etc. If I feel I've tried hard, its not hard enough to them. I think what they don't realise is any effort is an achievement and nobody understands what its like unless they've been there themselves. You just have to try and keep the positive thoughts yourself, compliment yourself on how well you're doing, people will soon start to realise that you're serious about recovery, maybe they're just sceptical at first? I know with me I've had quite a few relapses so people get used to the up, down, up, down scenario.

With regards to your weight, Artemis is right. Most of the time you can't tell what your weight change is going to be like. It can be very disheartening if you expect a gain but you've lost. I've learned to just not expect anything just keep the positive thoughts of I know I've done well. If I've lost, which is most of the time.. I just have to think, I need to try harder for next time.

It is really hard, but it's worth it at the end of the day. Upping intake is scary but in the long run it is the best thing to do and if live taken it upon yourself to do that then you deserve a lot of credit! Well done! :) I hope recovery becomes easier for you and you start to gain weight for your health. Keep us posted on how you're doing. Big hugs x

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Thankyou becca95

That was really good to read and helpful. Think I'm just exhuasted by it all that's usually when I give up but I can't this time. Hope you are well


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Glad to hear I have been of some help to you or at least reassurance. That is fair enough, it's so much hard work I know and when it's tough you feel like you just wanna take the easy way out, that's how I feel anyway.

It's good to see a bit of fighting talk, that's what's going to make the difference, determination.

I am struggling as always but nothing I haven't encountered several times before, on the road to recovery like you :) take care xx

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I trust your changes Bellaboo and I think you do really great. Another thing to look at is your level of exercise through the day. I don't know your habits but an explanation for your weight loss could be you exercise too much in regards to your intake. Congratulations again for your positive steps, keep up the good work! :)

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