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A Most Peculiar Man


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He was a most peculiar man.

That's what Mrs. Riordan said and she should know;

She lived upstairs from him

She said he was a most peculiar man.

He was a most peculiar man.

He lived all alone within a house,

Within a room, within himself,

A most peculiar man.

He had no friends, he seldom spoke

And no one in turn ever spoke to him,

'Cause he wasn't friendly and he didn't care

And he wasn't like them.

Oh, no! he was a most peculiar man.

He died last Saturday.

He turned on the gas and he went to sleep

With the windows closed so he'd never wake up

To his silent world and his tiny room;

And Mrs. Riordan says he has a brother somewhere

Who should be notified soon.

And all the people said, "What a shame that he's dead,

But wasn't he a most peculiar man?"

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I'm glad you are feeling in a better place now John.
I understand the one you were in. I go there sometimes too.

This might sound odd but I'm glad you posted that.
I'm not glad you were in that place at 4am this morning. But I'm glad that you felt that you could share where you were at. Not be locked in with it on your own.
And I'm grateful to you for sharing it, because I go to those places too, and it's comforting to not feel alone in that.

So you helped me and I'm sure others too in sharing that.
I know when I feel low I can't see how I can possibly be use nor ornament to anyone, and I also feel like a burden to people.
So it is often a comfort to me if I think that I have helped anyone in any way.
That's why I thought I'd say that you posting that helped me.

But mostly I am just glad that you feel better now.
I hope you have a good day today.

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