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Do You Believe In Spiritual Healing ?


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I realise this may be a very controversial topic but I`ve experienced spiritual healing in the past...I don't want to go into detail...I just

think we are body, spirit and soul and it is well worth thinking about and seeking the spiritual side of life....the big question

of course is ...what path do you go down....

shalom to you my friends

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I'm open to most things really. I don't don't subscribe to a specific set of any beliefes, I kind of pick and mix things. I do like to believe in things we cannot quite understand yet. I think a bit of faith is always a good thing, some people seem to quick to disregard it because of unfortunate individuals.

I belief in nature myself, and polytheism makes more sense to me.

Take care guys!

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I actually have been agnostic most my life...and I still am mostly...but after my Fibro (chronic pain) I became a lot more spiritual. I read my own tarot cards online and then check out for sychronicity in certain events to see if the messages are happening..........The thing is it's usually pretty accurate I find you just can't tell whennnnn the stuff will happen lol So you get an idea, ok I feel strongly the tarot cards are vaguely indicating that this might go down in the future...but it could be like tomorrow, a week from now, a month, a year...who knows. That's the part of tarot reading I haven't figured, or maybe there is no figuring to it

but it's one of those read between the lines kind of vague helpful tips thing I don't really think it paints a full pic of your future or anything then you'd probably have to go to a psychic or something but I always wonder if that would take the fun out of some of the big suprises if you went there and felt that confident in it...hm who knows

anyways i kind of take certain things from diff religions...like I expanded my mindfulness practise, and then sometimes also I've heard stories people have told me from when they saw mediums that sound too accurate not for there to be some sort of after-something energy left over to convey that info over to the mediums or whatever...but I think there are a lot of poser ones

Just like i think there are true religious practisers who seek out mostly love or teachings based on love...and then there are the poser ones who use it for homophobia or opressing women or some other agenda

that's just my opinion though

I also have one weird thought that I keep thinking about which is this: what if the earth ages the way we do? like you know how we are born and then we are kinda dumb and then we find ourselves and become less dumb and then something else zazzy happens usually and then we die ...what if the earth is getting older at the same time and society as a whole will at some point reach a place of better understanding. Like let's personify the earth for a second and imagine it as an individual in 2013...I would imagine the earth as someone with a great deal of untreated addiction issues and mental illness, on the verge of becoming almost a narcissist. But most of earth doesn't want to be this way, there are some small really sick parts in control keeping it from getting help that it wants. Maybe one day society will decide to impliment our own bottom...before poor earth crashes and burns out....but if Earth was saved perhaps that would be the mark of new intelligence or perhaps it would spawn an even bigger growth of intelligence and eventually society would peek and reach it's highest point of being as an individual (in this metaphor/analogy) and then maybe it would smash into another planet or something and we all die lol something like that lol

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Wow I love this topic!

I believe in spirit! I also believe in spiritual healing, I saw a lady healed on stage once but I know it was real as she was a neighbour of ours, I knew of her injuries and she wasn't completely healed but improved! She was delighted!

I also believe in psychic abilities and have visited a medium on and off for years! I mostly believe what she says, she can describe my house and people I know and also describes my mum and dad who passed away!

She told me my ex was cheating on me (I'd binned him 3 days previously for cheating!) She names names sometimes.

I have too many stories to tell you about what she has said to me to prove the existence of the spirit world!

I believe we are all connected by spirit and we will meet again on the other side but only the people who are on our own vibration, evil people will co-exist on another lower vibration.

I think that anyway and I hope I'm right! :-)

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I have learned, over the course of many years, that yes we are not just a lump of flesh but we are all body mind and spirit!!! I've also learned that - with a lot of situations - it's a person's spirit that is making things worse or even causing ill-health or troubles. So in that case spiritual healing is what's needed. I've experienced it myself on a number of occasions. I'm not talking about the TV version of wham, fall over, dramatic stuff (most of which is a scam) but just personal, gradual but very real changes that start on the inside and work out.

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I don't really believe in anything spiritual...sometimes I think my life is a bit lacking in something because of this. I hear these kind of stories and think there is a whole world that I don't get. But then I think, no, I just see things differently.

I believe a medium knowing things about your life is a skill that can be learnt, rather than tapping into another dimension, they have a way of tapping into your subconscience - a form of hypnosis.

Believing something will make you better does in fact improve your chances of getting better - that is part of your body's natural healing process. Like the placebo effect, which has been proven to have an effect.

Spiritual experiences are just something we have no scientific understanding of...yet!

Sorry if that makes me dull. I used to be spiritual; it brought me many problems. But for some it seems to bring much happiness and meaning. Such is life.

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