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*trigger* Self Harm ?


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It's called self harm but it hurts others more. This really fucks me off ( I'm just talking about my case here whenever anyone else self harms my heart bleeds for them)

To me when it comes to self harm so long as I'm safe with it, and I'm really not handing out advice or anything here, is fine for me. I've only ever been dumb with cutting 4 times in my life where shit went to far. I see nothing wrong with it. I know I should I really do know I should. But I genuinely don't.

When I was about 16 I got picked up from the nurses office as if gone into a trance and slit my wrist at school. It wasn't bad bad but they fixed me up and sent me home ( no aftercare it was kept hush hush as it was a convent) I had to explain to my parents what I'd done and this was the first they knew I self harmed. I remember saying to them that ' it's ok it's like my hobby like how you go out horse riding I cut myself' still to this day that's how I feel.

It fucks me off that I don't do it just because of other people's opinions my therapist has said it's good it annoys me because that's what keeps me safe. Well no I disagree yea I suppose it's great I'm safe etch etc.... But I am safe when I do it... Why do people have to judge me?

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I wish no one judged you as they have no right to. It's obvious that self harm is not the sort of behavior others want to encourage but as you have your reasons to do this and you're an adult, no one should judge. I wish understanding to you.

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i put si in categories

coping and punishment

the coping i respect

i learned that the punishment kind for me can get very very dangerous

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