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The Butterfly


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The other day I had just got out of bed and took some clothes out the wardrobe.

I start getting dressed and there on my leg was this butterfly.

It didn't shock me which is surprising for me. It looked so calm and kept opening and closing his wings very slowly.

I wondered where he had come from. How weird I thought this time of yr.

I'm presuming he must of been hibernating in my wardrobe.

I can't let it go outside so I look on net and I found a site all about what to if u find one.

As the wardrobe must of been a warm environment the butterfly was stirring.

This it Said on the site would wake it and he would starve as he shouldn't be awake till March.

So it suggests if you find one put it in a shoe box. Make holes and a larger hole for when it's ready to fly away.

So that's what we have done. We put him in our conservatory because it's cool in there but not too cold and certainly not hot this time of yr !

I can't help tho keep wanting to check up on him occasionally. Some days his wings are open and some days closed. But he looks like he's ok.

P.s this pic isn't very clear sorry

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I know I didn't want to just put it outside....I kinda feel responsible for the butterfly.

I've never seen one hibernate in a wardrobe before maybe it was my flowery tops haha !!!

At the time I held him for ages and it gripped my finger and the detail I could see was amazing as I've never held one for longer than a few seconds when they just fly on you. I had to gently pry him off my finger.

Wish I had a better camera so ppl could see how lovely he is !!

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He is beautiful!

I don't do crying (long standing issue I need to overcome) but reading your tale made me properly tearful!

How lovely, I hope he is doing well :)

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A beautiful butterfly and a beautiful story Emo. I love butterflies.

I found the same butterfly (a small tortoiseshell) in my bathroom. I was lying in the bath. I couldn't see anything as I'm very very very shortsighted but I heard a fluttering noise like wings tapping against the plants on the windowsill. I thought it was a moth at first as moths are around throughout the year but the sound of the wings was so loud, it suggested either a very large moth or a butterfly. Not much can convince me to leave my bath (other than the water getting cold) but I wanted to see the butterfly. I stood up in the bath and put my head next to the plant and I saw enough of it to know what it was. My parents believed me for once and my dad wanted to see it because he loves butterflies too. It was on one of the branches, all still and folded up. It took us a while to see it because it looked like a dead leaf or something. But eventually we found it. We left it where it was but my dad checked one of his books and it said what you found out Emo, that if it stayed indoors it would awake every time the sun streamed through the window. So my dad put it outside where the cold temperature would make it sleep.

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Oh poor little butterfly has died that's a real shame.

I'm sure he's died as he was upright now he's flat on side and looks dead.

It's a shame because I was looking forward to him waking up and flying away when the time was right.

Such is life hey xxx

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