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Does any body else get scared at night you know of burglars and such, what might help me?

I have it periodically went great for months but yesterday my mum stupidly told me about a murder and now Im afraid to sleep etc.

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I used to get scared at night, but I don't nowadays.

Most people who are murdered are killed by someone they know :(.

Make sure your home is securely locked at night. If you are worried, keep a mobile phone by the bed.

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Data why did you say that Lol.

I used to get afraid Lily before I moved house my old house just had a scary feel to it.

Do you have a TV in bedroom Lily? I would watch TV when my husband was at work when he would work very late would make me very tired or read. xx

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It's totally natural to feel this way lily, especailly if you been told something as sinister as a murder, is there such a thing as neighbourhood watch in your area? This helps people feel at ease to know others are keeping an eye on the goings on in their neighbourhood, we get stickers to display in our Windows,and doors, it can help and dose deter unwanted attention... but doors locked Windows secured, should be enough.. tv on and security lights might help also for peace of mind too hun..although wild life trip them, not alot would stay around in a well lit place .... and have a friend come over and stay for a bit may help you until these feelings subside enough for you to sleep hun...

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i have fairy lights around my place on all the time, day and night

its beautiful and comforting

and i sometimes play gentle, beautiful music very quietly

i have a very pronounced startle reflex and react to the slightest sound

but these things - good lighting and music - make night times much more bearable

sometimes i've blown raspberries at my fears

and ended up laughing at the noises i make :)

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I get scared but I'm not scared of burglars and murderers, I'm scared of having to talk to the police about it (though I suppose I wouldn't have to if I got murdered).

Burglars break into houses that look empty so it helps to make it look like the house isn't empty. So lights can put off burglars as well as making you feel safer. I personally prefer not to have music on as I'd rather be able to hear if something happens but that's just a personal choice, it's about trying different things and finding what works best. Also I heard that most burglars are terrified of coming face to face with home owners so if I hear an odd noise from downstairs I usually start stamping around the house and slamming doors to scare them away (then I lock myself in the bathroom). But it's never a burglar, it's always a mix of creaking furniture and my imagination. Also you can do things like double locking doors or bolting them.

(I don't want to get any arguments and I can understand why people might find Data's post scary but tbh I found it reassuring, if it's only the people who know you that really cuts down the number of people)

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I used to get scared in my old flat, because anyone in the block could answer their intercom and let someone in, now I'm in a house and can lock my front and back doors I feel a lot safer.

Chip x

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