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Hey guys! I only joined yesterday so just trying to find my way round a bit...

Um well I made a sorta self-help website and haven't been able to ask for any advice on whether its content is actually helpful so I thought I'd ask you guys? I know it wouldn't relate to everyone, it is music based because I love music, and a lot of people wouldn't maybe know the bands or something...but I did post a video from Youtube someone made about BPD and that's how I actually knew about this forum...

I just want to know is my website triggering or unhelpful in any way? Are there things anyone wants to add to it? Anything I should change? I'm trying to raise awareness about mental health issues so if anyone wants to write something I can put on there or a link I can put on there or a picture, a story, anything...I'd be grateful. I need help getting out the message. Any help from you guys?


Thank you guys... :)

Rogue xxx

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Lol, love your will and push to give and communicate...

When I am stronger, I will visit your site Rogue...

and do my best, to give you feedback about my experience of being there...

Keep pushing Rogue, Yes, getting the message out there is vital...

We are the 1in4, time to change, yes share all the awareness...beautiful from you yes indeed...

Well wish from MBB

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Thank you :) Oh and I like your quote about how nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. I didn't realise Marie Curie had said that. I worked in one of her charity shops one summer and it was a great experience!

Love R xxx

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hey Rogue and welcome to the forum :)

had a look at your site

its clearly heartfelt and i believe it could help many that feel lost and alone

and it says so much about you

you are one of those people that make a difference for others and give a huge amount

supporting others is very important to me

i gravitate towards rescue

but it has cost me a lot in the past

and if you identify with that too

then please just keep it in your awareness

to not under resource yourself when giving

you are as precious as any you give so much to :)

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Hey Mousie :) Thank you for the welcome! And also for taking the time to look at my website...I know what you mean though, I can often feel the massive burdens on my shoulders, if that's what you mean...I know I have to remember to keep myself well in order to continue trying to help others. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, I always feel like my existence is unnoticed and just...nothing, so I'm glad you think I'm precious like everyone else! I hope you've had a good day... :wub:

Love, R xxx

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Rogue you're not just like everyone else

cos most folks don't do what you're doing

you're not plugged into the safe mainstream

and you're sharing your acute consciousness

wrought from suffering and depth

with altruistic compassion

and i connect with that in you

and know how easy it is to minimise one's own needs

i spent many many years doing so, at very great cost

and i hope this doesn't come across as patronising

but from one soul to another

recognising your beautiful energy

and wanting all that is you to thrive, not just survive


i hope your path is gentle, kind and fulfilling

and may the owchy stuff be minimal :)

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No it doesn't come across as patronising at all. I do let others problems weigh me down and consume me and I completely lay down everything on the line to save someone else. At the moment I am just surviving...but that's actually okay for now because things are so bad. But I appreciate your comments a lot, you have a very sincere, calming, beautiful way of writing! So thank you :) xxx

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It has been a privilege to view your website, I feel that it takes a great deal of courage, compassion and determination to give of yourself in such a way. People will be able to connect with you, feel that they have found a space where they feel heard, understood and not so alone, as life/ world can be so utterly isolating when someone is living in pain..I love what you have done. But it has already been so eloquently raised, taking care of YOU is vital, as you are very important and its so easy to give so much of yourself, that your own needs become secondary.

I must be getting old, I don't know some of the bands that are on your website, but I can appreciate them as I too am very much into my music, just a bit before your time though :-)

Thank you for giving us insight into your world and sharing of yourself, i feel really honoured xx

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My website isn't that good but I'm glad you think it could be helpful to people! Trying a lot to raise awareness about mental health issues because as we all know on this site it's so misunderstood out there in the big wide world! Yeah I know not everyone will be able to relate to a lot of the bands that have inspired me :P How old are you? I'm 25 nearly 26 so I'm starting to get on a bit. Windows 8 makes me feel old...:)

I actually don't mind giving myself up to the needs of others, I'll probably die for their needs if I have to. But I'm actually okay with that...I'd rather that than be the opposite like all the people you hear about doing terrible things on the news :(

Thank you so much for taking the time to view my website. If there are any changes you think I should make or things I should delete or anything you might think I should add please let me know :)

R xxx

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hey Rogue

just wanted to share stuff i've learned over the years

i'm 51

is that i need to self preserve even if i want to give everything away

and that model spills out into others and they learn that their life is worth preserving

it was a hard long process learning that but after ages it just became a reality

and i hope that you will learn that you are equal

and will give of yourself

and that the longer you live the more you will give

in ever more informed ways

essentially i'm wanting you to be safe and search for the happiness and peace for yourself

that you want for those that you seek to serve

oh and do keep your identity guarded as there are some that do take advantage

sorry to be such a parental protective bunny but i mean well :)

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Hi Rogue,
Where to begin.Well,i have ventured onto your"coveredbyroses"site.I found it highly informative,uplifting,triggering,sensitive,great taste in music,laying one's soul on the line for scrutiny,like ive never seen before,a totally fascinating blend.
Musically driven,it helped to listen or watch footage whilst reading through the wealth of information.I have only recently got into "Black Veil Brides".I have"Lost it all"and "Knives and pens"and"saviour"on my Mp3.Others"Fit for Rivals",favourite track"Damage".Have only got"The final riot"cd/dvd by "Paramore"."The pretty wreckless",have"make me wanna die" and"my medicine" .
Been listening to"Get scared" a lot recently,fav tracks,"stumbling in your footsteps"and "Hurt".My range of music is vast however,i suppose befitting a person my age.
Totally get what you have done,admire your honesty.Have watched"Girl interupted"loads of times,last time,a few nights ago.Yes,it does trigger!saying nothing.Love the poems you have written,can really feel the importance of the message contained within them.You definitely have all round talent,with sensitivity to match.That's the trouble with us BPD ers.We are all to often open to hurt.But believe me Rogue,you have so much to live for.
Don't want to write too much at once
Just wanna say
Well done
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