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I am so glad that your birthday went well Reglois, I hope that this is the first of many good birthdays to come xxx

With love

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it made me feel really sad when you stated "I don't really blame the professionals here, they just haven't got the experience for some one

like me I suppose". Their lack of expertise isn't down to you, your not a freak, you are someone who has been traumatised, that is as a direct result of other peoples (family and deceased husband) abusive behaviour towards you and as a result, you developed coping mechanisms as a way of taking yourself away from the abuse you were subjected to, if not physically, mentally and emotionally….the end result is trauma.

I admire your strength and determination for reaching out and voicing your experiences, that isn't someone who is weak, that is a courageous person and a person who deserves to be supported in her healing process.

Like Mousie has already stated, allowing those parts of you, who are young, small, vulnerable to play, enjoy play, is really important. I haven't shared this with many people in my life, people don't need to know, but through my therapy I learnt to embrace the play element of my recovery. i purchased dolls, as I had few as a child….the small child part of me loved dressing the dolls, combing their hair, pretend play. And like mouse, i purchased colouring books, crayons, felt tip pens and paints and spent hours colouring in, even outside of the line :D . A technique which also heaped, was to draw and be creative with my left hand (i'm right handed). I discovered this by reading a book called 'Recovery of your inner chid', by Lucia Capacchione….take a look on Amazon.

When I was child I always wanted a girls world (it was a head and shoulders doll, life size, with hair extensions, beads to put in the dolls hair and makeup), I purchased one of those a few years ago, as a method of healing and allowing the child part of me to play….it was great and really did help.

Again as Mousie has already stated, EFT is also helpful, so use the link and try this method over and over…I have taught this method to other survivors, when I ran self help groups.

Your not alone, please remember that, there are many at different stages of recovery on this forum, but if we just pass on bits of advice, support tips etc, then it helps to support us all.

I hope this has given you some comfort x

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just thought i'd pop my head in to see how you were getting on re glois

good to see your making friends all ready

told you we're a friendly bunch on here didn't i???


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Hi every one Thank you for being so kind and patient with me. I am only just starting to heal

after being free for three years, I know mentally I am strong, had to be to survive, outwit him

and protect the kids, which I now realise I didn't do, they are all like me obedient to a fault, scared

to say boo to a goose etc, one is already a survivor having managed to get out of an very abusive

relationship, the other girl is just starting divorce proceedings after leaving her verbally abusive

husband when he was registered as a pedo, she has a daughter by this marriage and he has court

awarded access to her and she is forced to come to this country for all school holidays, I don't believe

he has ever touched her but still ......................... I hate the fact that he can have her alone over here.

His family *allow* me very little access to her, I only live a kilometre away from where she stays as

the child knows she can tell me anything and I will believe her and re-act, she told me that the sister

was sexually abusing her and I was round there in 2 seconds flat. The sister is now not allowed to be there

when she is there. It is such a disgusting family (found out that too late) and I blame myself for my daughter

marrying into it, if it weren't for me she would never have met him and would now be at the top of her proffession,

she was on her way up when she left GB, still have her own house, pension fund etc, she is now struggling to start

her own business, can't go back to what she was doing as it doesn't gel with school hours, in rented accommodation,

and he is over here with 8,000 € a month and giving her a measly 250€ towards the childs upkeep, he is living in

my daughters house here, she paid for it, and as he has the child here on occasions the court will not order him out!!!

urgh I could so scream and commit unspeakable acts against that family, doesn't help me stay calm.

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good grief Reglois :(

what a horrendous thing to contend with

and i can totally relate to your feelings.

how to tolerate the intolerable...

you lay blame at your own feet


thing is

you didn't choose any of this

you didn't cause any of this

you are blameless

all the blame. every ounce. falls at the feet of those that abused

you were running on empty, de-resourced, vulnerable

outwitted by revolting minds due to being vulnerable

(and that isn't the same thing as stupid,

which is a common self hating thinking error)

just look at your motivators Reglois

my experience and understanding of you is that you're driven by love

that you care about your kids and their kids

none of what happened was your intention

you did the best you could given the resources you had

what a sick legal system

i'm so sorry you're carrying this Reglois

but it is really healthy that you've brought this here

because your suffering and wounds can be acknowledged and honoured

and even though we're dotted around the globe

the compassion and desire to support you is real

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