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Mental Health Forums

Locked Rehab For Over A Year?`


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Hello all.

I just stumbled into this forum to ask a question, but it looks like such a great place that I have been reading a lot of the threads and advice. I suffer with depression and anxiety and some of the advice on here has been very helpful and useful ideas. I am thinking of now making a self soothing box too.

I just had a question regarding being placed under a locked in rehab for over a year and a half in the UK.

What would it mean to be placed in one of these rehabs. Would it just be your mental health was bad or something else?

I am asking as I wondered if it would be something criminal that would warrant it.

Someone I know has been placed in one for over a year and a half and they said it was for life skills, although they seem to cope better then some who I know with mental health issues and went out all the time and went away and on trips and things so seemed to be coping so this seemed very sudden to be locked away for a year and a half with total lock up.

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I'd have thought being locked in a rehab unit for a year and a half was very rare nowadays. In the 1980s and earlier it was common, but the problem was all sorts of people were being locked up and institutionalised. Now they treat people in the community, but the treatment is often crap, and people have the opposite problem - they can't get IN hospital when they need it!

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