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I'm Pathetic


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I can't cope I am totally useless I am at home on my own with my kids as my partners granny is sick but I can't cope I have hid in my bedroom crying I am so scared like seriously why am I so useless? I just want to go and get a load of tablets and take them all why am I so selfish they deserve so much better than me. Maybe

I'll wait until he comes home and then take the tablets I can't cope with this feeling anymore I really can't

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I gave in and called duty officer she wants me to go to and be assessed with an out of hours cpn and possibly be admitted not a hope am I. I said I might speak to the cpn but that's it now I've palpitations and feel all strange with the stress of it all I just want to go to bed now

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Dear Addy, you're not useless nor pathetic. What's happening is that you're overwhelmed with strong emotions you cannot control and that has nothing to do with you being useful or not. That just isn't the question for now. I know the perspective of being admitted doesn't look too great. Can you tell them you feel that being in hospital would only depress you more? I think they should understand this. I would get assessed and see what they say. If you're too bothered by your physical stress, haw tree infusions can help lessening the palpitations. You can also practice breathing exercises, always useful.

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You are not pathetic or useless. You struggle to cope with your illness but that is not your fault. Keep yourself safe and reach out for help, if you need to be admitted then get admitted.

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Aww so stressed and sick I got diazepam and fell apart with the cpn then my daughter txt and I was meant to take her to a Halloween tour. We discussed hospital but I didn't want to she said if it continues I need to consider it. I had to then take my daughter and to top it of I met the guy who attacked me a few yrs ago someone is really out to get me today. I'm home now and all thoughts have returned why does this never go away? The pattern is familiar I know the way it will go unfortunately. Thankyou all for your kind words it really lifts my spirits that you all care so much x

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