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Everything Is Supposed To Be Good...


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But its not.

I've not posted on here for ages but feel like I should talk about stuff but there's no one I really want to talk to

Everything should be great right now but its like I can feel myself withdrawing and can see everything crumbling and falling away around me. And I feel so alone.

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Sorry I hadn't realised anyone had replied.

Its a bit of everything, work and relationship are probably the big things as well as rubbish sleep making everything worse.

And as rubbish as my social life was before it's now even worse. I've always got so much to do and not enough time and there always more and I feel like I'm doing everything on my own. And I'm just so tired, literally as well as fed up with everything. And it's always been the same. Why is it always the same even though I try so hard all the time :-(

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Hey. With your last question, it's understandable that you feel fed up. I can see you put a lot of efforts but you don't see the good results. It would frustrate anyone. What I think, but I could be wrong, is that your efforts actually are paying meaning that the situation would probably be even worse if you didn't put so much energy to change it. You say you feel like doing everything on your own so I ask what support you have? Maybe you need to up it a bit for some time? Is it possible? As you lack time to do all but time isn't growable while help is. It could also be a good thing to see your doctor to talk about your sleep problems, as not sleeping well is making all worse. Please try to keep going, you're doing all what you can already so with a bit of more help it can only go up.

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