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Different Types Of Therapy...


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i've suffered from depression, bulimia, body dysmorphic disorder and BPD. i've been in and out of hospital and have seen 3 different psychologists, over 9 years, who all looked at a cognitive/behavioural approach within my therapy.

my psychiatrist has now referred me for psychodynamic psychotherapy. have any of you had experiences with it?

i've googled it etc, but was just wondering how you've found it?

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(((makebelieve))).........Hello.xxx..........Psychodynamic therapy, from my own experience, is definitely worth giving it a try..........It's more long term and the benefits are not always obvious straight away and this can feel very frustrating in the beginning, I found anyway............there is more self evolving which happens with this therapy, and one thing I was told, is that we know we have found some answers when we are in fact in them :wacko: ....(lol)..........Definitely worth trying and sticking it out for as long as you can............I remember taking advice from other peeps when I first started this therapy cos I couldn't understand what was happening and it wasn't so immediately solution based (like CBT)...........They said to stick with it..............I'm glad I stuck and am sticking with it......Good to meet you and I hope you will give it a try...............Pickles.xxx

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I'm in psychodynamic therapy and have been seeing my therapist for 2 years. I see her privately and specifically looked for a psychodynamic therapist because I know I have attachment issues, and had read that psychodynamic therapists are trained in attachment and can work with it.

There are so many different types of therapy and really, all therapists are different so even two therapists working to the same type, e.g. psychodynamic, will do it differently. Although mine is psychodynamic, for example, my therapist talks (she isn't silent like a lot of the literature leads you to believe). I see her twice a week and personally I think it was the best decision I have made.. I'm not saying it's easy, it's really not.. but it's literally changed my life.

Hope it goes well


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thank you both for your replies. i'm definately going to go with it and work as hard as i can in sessions and out. the cognitive work hasn't really helped in the long term.

i really hope this helps. i'm glad it is working for you both :)

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I have had paycho dynamic therapy for two yrs it was a while ago now and I did find it frustrating they don't speak much just listen and maybe throw in the odd sentence I found it hard but on the positive side he found out what was hiding beneath all my anxiety downside I couldn't cope and my anxiety got so bad he referred me to cbt and I was supposed to go back but didn't. It's definitely with trying though as I say mine was very good and accurate if you don't mind talking a lot x

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Psychodyamic therapy is a much deeper, more long term therapy than the cognitive-behavioural or person-centred approaches. It relies on building a good relationship with the therapist. The therapist isn't usually silent but may not talk as much as other forms of therapy. I think psychodynamic therapy may work slower but its a longer-term "fix" than the other therapies. You can aim to - slowly - get to the causes of your issues rather than scratching around on the surface.

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Is psychodynamic the one where they look back at your childhood and stuff like that?

Forgive my ignorance. I only really have experience of person centred, CBT and DBT, so can't be that helpful - but I'm interested.

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thanks for your replies. i'm feeling optimistic about it all now. i really hope it goes as well as it can for me.

antarctic leech, i believe it is. it based a lot around relationships you have formed and attatchments etc. i think the relationship you form with the therapist is pretty important within it also. it looks a lot at the unconscious mind and how these patterns come in to play in the present life. (i think!)

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