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Feeling Strange


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My head feels funny and numb even my face and eyes feel numb. Does anyone else feel like this ? I feel like everything is far away sounds are even far away and distant I can't sleep because the faces are back and I see lights. I try not to panic I'm trying to be calm but I'm struggling to focus and concentrate I feel like I'm not here I'm not real and I've just been talking to my partner and he doesn't look real either am I feel like I'm loosing my mind I'm scared

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((((((((((addy2)))))))))))..........Just wanted you to know that I have heard you and really hope you can get yourself to a better place...........it does sound very scarey............will you call someone, Doc, therapist, counsellor?..........Are you very very tired at the moment or on different meds?..................I'm sorry to have been so very quiet over the last long while and this might seem like a bolt out of the blue.............but I wanted to let you know I'm listening................Pickles.xxx

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Thanks pickles, no not overly tired just a really strange head I worry is it something medical? I don't know if I'll call or not I feel like in wasting their time they always tell me it's anxiety I thought I might call lifeline later if it continues they are therapists and counsellors and might be able to help. I'm not on different meds either I think I've felt this way before but not for a while I feel like I have a right band around my head which is possibly tension and my head is sore. I hate being such a worrier. How are you pickles? I hope you are well xx

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Sorry you're so anxious, Addy. I hope that lifeline will be able to help. We're here for you too if you want to talk. Sending lots of good vibes. Take care.

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Thankyou threemoons, I always get scared that it isn't anxiety and that's what I'm doing now I hate the feeling even as I type I feel like my hands aren't mine it's strange. It seems it's never ending I can't seem to get it under control at all xx

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(((addy)))..........It's good to hear that you can call Lifeline later if you are still feeling this way..............maybe it is very high anxiety but there can be no harm in talking about it with someone medical, especially if you are worried that it could be..........Could you have a chat with NHS Direct on 111...........Hopefully they won't be down tonight...............if that band of tension around your head doesn't ease................Pickles has had a very bumpy time over the last long while.........but...........today............is having a better day...........Thanks ever so for asking ((((((((((((addy)))))))))))).............Thinkings and hope the tension eases............Pickles.xxx

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I understand you get scared that it might not be anxiety, I would worry the same. When I am very very anxious, I feel like my body melts and fusions with things around so the feeling of your body not being yours is familiar. It's very strange, indeed. I hope that the tension on your head passes soon. Try to not panic and call lifeline or NHS if you need reassurance. I wish you a better evening.

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Thankyou pickles and threemoons, I'm glad today is a better day pickles. I might call out of hours but what puts me of is I feel like I'm wasting their time. It's scary isn't it threemoons I didn't even think I was anxious but I most likely am I'm always stressed about something I hate it I feel all floaty and funny I thought I might try a bath later but then I panic in the bath too so I don't know xx

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