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New And Seeking Advise


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Hello, the last year and a half has been hell for me. I have been to the hospital and doctors a few times now but when I sit down with someone I'm unable to be open and fully truthful about what is going on inside my head. Because of this I'm unable to get any help or guidance and I was hoping that someone on here could read through my symptoms and point me in the right direction of information that could help.

It began a long time ago now, I was out in a club when I took exstacy (not for the first time) during the night I felt as though people were trying to steal my phone and money. I woke up and thought it was just what I took and thought no more of it. I started to notice that people were looking at me and this made me feel uncomfortable which then led onto me feeling like people were following me and trying to steal from me. I wasn't always like this but certain things would set off this state of mind and I would sweat and get blurry vision. Eventually I got over this however the episodes still occur now but now I feel as though people are trying to trick me and manipulate me. When it happens I'm very jumpy and sensitive to sound and I'll listen into a conversation and think they're telling me to do things via their conversation between each other. Once I am no longer feeling like this I think to myself how stupid I am to think those things however at the time I feel like it is really happening to me. I have been biting my lips and tongue a lot but think this is from the anxiety I have from all of the above.

Things aren't as bad as they were but I am far from the person I was 2 years ago. I haven't touched any drugs in over a year and only drink on occasion like most. Any advice people could give me would be appreciated.

Thanks, Callum.

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(((Robodub))).........Hello and welcome..........Good to see your post in introductions...................You mention that you have been to the hospital and the doctors a few times..............I'm wondering how long these visits have been for?.............I know for me, it takes and does take a long time to open up with really what is going on with me.................so just thinking.............have you had any counselling or therapy.............Are you in the UK................? Could be a good place to start if you haven't explored or been given the offer of counselling/therapy..............You can request from your GP that you would like some counselling, at the very least.........snippets here and there with short visits to different people, i know, I would never have gotten anywhere near what is going on..............sounds like you need a one on one with somebody on a more regular basis..............and please if you feel safe enough here, share a little more of what is going on for you..... it can be very helpful just writing down our thoughts, however they come out, so please feel that it is totally OK to be you, here.........This is a very supportive forum with lots of lovely people.............Looking forward to seeing you around here...............Pickles.xxx

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Hi Callum, welcome to the community. This is a good place to let things out if you can, no one will judge you here. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with drugs, they can really cause paranoid traits to flare up. It's better to stay away from them as you've been for a year. Congratulations for that step by the way! Have you been able to open up ultimately to the doctors in hospital? How long did you stay in? I think like Pickle that you could benefit from one to one therapy, being settled with the same person for as long as you need to build trust and open up. Have you ever been suggested this? I'm looking forward to your reply. Wish you a very good day.

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Just wanted to say welcome to the forum. I'm glad that you found us and have felt able to post a little about your current situation. I think there have been some good suggestions in responses above so I won't repeat them, but I just wanted to welcome you :)


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