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Feeling Really Shit


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A brief outline, ive had depression for 10 years and anxiety for 5. Does anyone find it really hard to do things like get up and go to work? Im finding it really difficult to not feel shit when im getting up each morning and going to work. I feel so down and fed up yet good things are happening in my life like my husband getting a job promotion etc.

I feel so drained and so tired. Findind it hard to clean, to cook. Although on the plus side I am actually going to work, I am cooking most of the time, im just really struggling doing so.

I know what I need to do. I need to set myself small achieveable goals but im just too tired :-(

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Yes, I felt the same during my depression while I was still working. And setting myself small goals felt like an alien concept as even the everyday tasks felt so draining psychologically. I still went to work and cooked and cleaned but I was so tired I spent all the week-end sleeping and doing nothing.

I don't know the cause for your depression but good things happening in your life won't solve a deep rooted problem. I also think that at some point of the illness one isn't able anymore to appreciate them.

Do you feel a worsening of your symptoms lately? If so you need to alert your doctor quick, as the soonest it's addressed the better the chances to prevent the spiraling.

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  • 1 month later...


I can imagine how you would be feel, but this is your hard time. Do some activities that make you busy and try to come out of your problem. Don't think too much on a single point. Just hope well. If needed then visit any good doctor.

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I admire you for still going to work etc that is a true accomplishment and I hope you can see that.

As for goals,I dont know I can imagine just the basics are hard right now. Maybe a goal should be finding ways for you to make the daily struggles a bit easier, practical things. I have no ideas off the top of my head but we can help you maybe figure out some things there.

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  • 2 months later...

Don't give your mind free time to go for negative side. Keep yourself busy with any kind of activities and try to think about only positive thinks.

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