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Bpd And Alcohol ? Can It Make It Worse


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Has anyone ever been this way out of character !

I have never liked violence don't like watching people fight. I'm normally a happy loveable drunk. But at Xmas I was irritable an emotional would burst out in fits of rage over nothing then be ok again an happy. Think I'm fine an happy to drink chatting away sat there looking like a lady and acting like one until to many sambucas away then boom!

I jump on some guys back I didn't even know! With my boyfriend there. The guy through me off was pissed off but let it slide then I did it again. He through me over his shoulders an went to flying kick me in the head until my bf intervened picked me up an took me out of the pub. I didn't know what I'd done had no recollection of it thought what are you doing! So I started attacking him an tried throwing punches at his brother. I love my bf an I've always got on well with his brother.

The day after when everyone told me what I did I was shocked ashamed. Disgusted in myself but also more puzzled than anything why would I do that!? My sister said I came in the front room an tried getting on the sofa with her when she was sleeping. But because she said go back to bed there ain't enough room on here sis I kicked her. I ruined Xmas when we had such a lovely time until I got to drunk an my demons reared there ugly head.

Could this be the bpd. Which I'm pretty sure I have but no dx

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Hi Lela. i can sense your confusion. Think that probably you weren't that well before drinking so alcohol amplified the bad feelings and you exploded. Does it look like this to you? Or maybe something in the pub triggered you without you knowing so you reacted to defend yourself. How alcohol affects people's behavior is a mystery to me, think you only have to be in a bad mind frame for it to go out of the rails.

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Ye of course a bad mind frame, I wasn't even aware of before i started drinking. I won't ever drink if I'm down or depressed because I know alcohol amplifies it 10 fold. So to be happy an then still act that way was frightening an confusing. Scary that if my boyfriend want there I would of ended up in hospital or worse after him kicking me in the head.

I swore I'd never drink to that excess again. Because I have no control over what my actions. I can't help the way I am when I drink but I can certainly stop that by not drinking that much in the first place.

Because I can't remember, an I seemed fine up until my bf an sis went outside for a min an when they came back in I was on this guys back maybe he did say something to me, I know that if someone said something bad to me sober I'd be raging but wouldn't do go jumping on him lol

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Yeah, probably something happened that made you angry. I think you said it was the first time you reacted like this to alcohol so it must have been really shocking for you to hear about it despite not remembering. If you can, moderating your drinking sounds like a good idea, you'll be healthier and avoid some problems.

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It happens with me if I drink.... I can become violent and very out of character. I was advised to stop drinking and it has made a huge difference to how I act!!, my temper is a lot calmer!! Xx

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