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Brave People Are Using This Forum! (And Other Rigmarole...)


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I just wanted to write something to get more accustomed here. I am still very new. Not sure if this is actually worth saying or just a lot of rigmarole. My apologies in advance.
I was thinking the other day that the people on this forum are, or must be at least, the brave, sensible and aware part of people in society (regarding joining here and addressing their issues) who are (partly) aware of (some of their) personal struggles and want to make a change. I think that's very admirable.
I also wanted to take the opportunity to say how much supported I already feel here. Living really isolated and having no contact with anyone usually, it feels that beyond expectations the opposite has happened on here to me now. (But because it's only early days, maybe I am a bit too manic about all that's happening. (Not that it adds anything to this thread, nor am I entirely sure yet, but am worried I might experience Bipolar (alongside other conditions.)))
One of the things I deemed useful was being able to read up-close to other people's experiences as they've shared them on this forum. I found it enabled me to identify with others, as opposed to reading some formal piece of information around a certain mental health condition or diagnosis which I had to try to fit myself in as I couldn't identify with it.
Nonetheless, I mostly struggle a lot to take anything online, like a forum, seriously. Basically, I feel very skeptical about it, because I can't 'see' people.
I leave this open to any interpretations and comments. Thanks.
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I am glad you have found this forum helpful so far, hopefully it continues to be helpful.

I have aspergers, depression and social anxiety disorder, I do not deal well with people in real life and am very nervous around people and get panic attacks easily, I find online much easier to share and communicate because the boundry of being behind a computer acts as a protection for me, it lets me lower my natural guard because that is doing the guarding for me,

I play alot of online games where I can actually relax around other people because the character or avatar that I play as is acting as my barrier. it is very difficult for me to share things with real people I tend to be alone and spend most of my time alone.

It is brave to try to tackle some of the issues, I would argue its brave just living with them, many people cannot cope with or continue to fight on with the conditions they suffer from, the fact that you are here and wanting to change is in itself a huge achievement.


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Hello! I'm glad you're finding the forum supportive, it's its purpose.

Like B0bulat0r, I just find it a lot easier to write about stuff online than to talk about it in real life. The distance put by the screen is both an advantage (it's less pressure than face to face) and a disadvantage (we lose body language, tones of voice and other important parts of the real life communication). I have a history of selective mutism which is an anxiety disorder where one can't speak in certain places or to certain people because of high anxiety (it's not that we don't want, it's that we don't succeed). I'm cured of it now but I find there are residues as I find impossible to talk about certain stuff or when I'm triggered. So yeah, writing is my most natural way of communication rather than speaking. And I find this place really great as pseudonyms and avatars give us a relative anonymity and also our posts aren't accessible to those who aren't registered themselves which is a pretty big point. I feel safe expressing things here whereas anywhere else I don't.

Hope that you can benefit from this as much as I do.

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These are all really great comments. Sorry, don't really know how else to reply. For the first time in my life I feel I get a chance to talk. What's been said probably weighs much more highly than what I could reply to it...

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I find it easier here because people don't know me I could never be as honest in rl as I am here I would be too scared. Its a good place mostly safe and I've had some amazing support from brilliant caring people. I am isolated in rl I don't have friends or family that I'm in contact with and at least here I have people to talk too which makes me feel not so alone x

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