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Medication And Treatment Of Bpd


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Hi Everyone

I am new here but have been reading your posts for a month or so now. I have BPD and depression, I am on Sertraline 200mg and Propanolol 40mg per day and Diazepam and Zolpidem for occasional use. I know everyone is different but I was just wondering if you would mind sharing the medications you are on and whether or not you find them helpful?

I do think I would be a lot worse if I wasn't on these medications but I still have a lot of paranoia, anxiety, obsessive thoughts and psychosis during times of stress. I generally feel empty a lot of the time and frequently have thoughts of harming myself though am managing to resist this a lot of the time at the moment. I also started DBT about a month ago, I am trying my best to carry out the strategies etc but it's too early to say whether or not this will work for me.

Any experiences - good or bad re medication and treatment would be of interest to me.


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I've been on a lot of different meds and at the moment I'm med free as they class me as a high risk for them, But I did used to be on Quetipine at the highest dose then after a while it stopped working so I would double up and that helped and then once again it wasn't so I tripled it, Worked and then it came out what I was doing and I had them took off me...

Each person is different with meds, Some work, Some do not, Some people are better off without meds, Even if they do not feel they're... Plus taking meds won't stop everything and some think they will...

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I am on Celexa 20mg and Seroquel 100mg. I never felt like the Celexa was doing much and it didn't help with any of my psychosis or paranoia. When they put me on Seroquel the doctor said that antipsychotics typically help antidepressants work better and I felt better almost instantly. But slowly, the longer I'm on the meds, I have noticed my symptoms coming back. I'm not hearing voices or seeing things so things are at least better than they were before the meds. But I think the key with BPD is to work really hard on learning and using your coping techniques when you're still in that window of time where the meds are working well. Again though, everyone is different.

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Thanks for your responses. Yeah I suppose I hoped that meds would be doing more for me than they are. I had been on Risperidone antipsychotic but it didn't agree with me but they didn't replace it with another one. I do need to keep working on the skills from the DBT I think I have just had so many talking therapies in the past that haven't worked so I'm finding it hard to really believe in it. Need to just put more into it I think.

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I have read a lot that traditional talk therapies don't work for BPD because they typically focuses too much on past traumas. And that perpetuates our suffering. I too just started DBT and am also very skeptical (I don't trust therapists, however irrational that is). But my therapist reassures me it's different than the others therapies so I'm trying to keep and open mind. There are some books that have been helping me: Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder and Peace is Every Step by Thich Naht Hahn. Just remember that by seeking help you've already accomplished one of the hardest parts of recovery! I wish you the best of luck and please keep posting on the forums :)

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I'm on sertrline as u but I'm tapering off it as it does have less affect over time this is my second time on it at the full mg. however I'm to come off. And have time off anti da but will go back on something else if things happen also on anti p which is antipsychotic and was on mood stabiliser as well. Talking to ur pic and being honest about. How ur meds are working is best thing so u can work on a plan. Everyone with bpd suffers from different characteristics out of the 9 criteria so it's inportant that u talk to them and also. Show what u are wanting also. Good luck hun xz

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Hi there and welcome :)

Ive been Orap(anti p and Sertraline anti D) and for when needed Xanax for years and years now and it seems to be for me the best combo. But everyone is different.

I think with meds the best you can hope for is that takes off the edge of your symptoms so you can better apply other things healthy behaviours to deal with them.

Meds and therapy combined can then take you a long way towards recovery.

The most commonly used med combo for people BPD is an anti P and an AntiD combined BUT there are many many exceptions it all depends on your particular symptoms and what works for you.

Have you tried many meds? What does your psychiatrist say about the combo you are on?

As for other treatment, Ive had talk therapy and CBT for well almost 20 years and it really didnt do much. Then I learned about DBT that helped and then I had ACT therapy for a while that helped me even more. Now I am finally coping and more then that I am mostly happy :)

There are these days several therapies that are known to help with BPD you can google them I dont know them by heart. So there are choices and there is hope these days.

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i am on clorpromazine for my voices abilify for my moods. Morphine for the pain n my spine. Clonazepam for my anxiety and panic disorder. A side effects med to stop the shakes. A contraseptive and a sickness tablet. I find my meds helpful cause with out them i go off the rails and wouldnt care what happened to me.

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Thanks so much for all your replies.

Cm23 - thanks for the book recommendations

I am finding mindfulness a challenge, however jigsaws have been good.

Lilly Bee - I haven't seen my psychiatrist since before Christmas as he was on holiday for 3 weeks and then off sick for another 3 so I think he is playing catch up. If I don't get an appointment through soon then I'll phone them up. I've been on lots of different meds over the years - fluexitine, citalopram and other ones for anxiety that I can't remember the name of. It's interesting to hear a lot of people on anti psychotics plus anti depressants. I will talk to him about that. It is inspiring to hear that you have come so far. Sometimes I feel I am at a dead end. But hey, no one said this would be an easy ride.

Barbones - were you told that 200mg is the highest dose of sertraline?

Mandy - sounds like you are on a lot of meds, hope they continue to be helpful

Afrika - I was on fluexitine before but it just didn't agree with me, glad to hear it helps you

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Good for you for calling your psychiatrist if you have to wait too long.

There really is hope, there are such good therapies for BPD these days the thing seems to be that the actual MH services are only slowly catching up to that and often still offering things that are not really that usefull for people with BPD.

I am on Sertraline 200MG and was told thats the highest dose one should be on.....

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My experience with risperdone is that it didn't agree with me before either. Nor do any antipsychotics for that matter. I absolutely hate them. They make you crave sugar, carbs, or food in general, and have other bad effects. Luckily, this time around with risperdone, I'm on a lower dose, and I have topiramate to combat cravings, and feel a bit more calm. or less restless at least. Sometimes antipsychotics and mood stabilizers can actually cause anxiety. In the past, I had panic attacks after quetiapine stopped working for me. Risperdone has been pretty good so far with paranoia control. Perphenazine is also good for that purpose. I'm very interested in the idea of an antidepressant that actually works! :)

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Thanks, I will call my psychiatrist next week if I haven't heard anything. I think I'm just going through a particularly difficult patch just now, perhaps that could be linked to starting therapy? I don't know. I am convinced my husband hates me and feel like he looks at me like he despises me but he says that's not true. Other people say that they think that he loves me but I just can't see it. I think I have been too busy recently and am exhausted too. So glad there are people I can talk to who understand.

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Hi. I take 225mg on venlafaxine and 45mg of Mirtazapine both anti depressants, 1600mg epilim as a mood stabiliser and 100 - 200mg of Quetiapine an anti psychotic for my bpd. I have had cat therapy, dbt and act. They helped a bit but not a great deal and my life is a bit of an emotional roller coaster x

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