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What The F**k Am I Doing Wrong?


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That's it,really.

I've tried to contribute to a couple of threads.

I posted something for a particular member,thinking it would give them comfort.

What the f**k is going on?

Is there some conspiracy going on,where i am treated as non existant?

Jesus christ.Does no one give a shit?

I am dying here.

But hey,who gives a f**k.

Message received,loud and clear

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Gosh, I am sorry you feel like that eagle. I hope I haven't inadvertently made you feel bad, apologies if so.

It is very quiet around here at the moment. I am finding that quite hard too - I get that people have their own lives but if you happen to need support when it's a quiet spell it can feel like no-one cares.

Hugs to you, you definitely matter to me xxx

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Thank you hun. Sorry for my outburst. Just feel hurt when my posts go unnoticed or overlooked & want to be honest & authentic. So even though my post was a bit mean,I was just expressing how I felt. Damn,this fucking BPD shit is a major pain in the ass. Thanks for responding.xxx

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Eagleheart i seem to also be a little caught up in my bpd lately. In the forum i mean. And if the receiver also has bpd... not a good combination hey?


It's hard at times as we can trigger each other, play roles for one another, and this is why we have to be really easy when things don't go as we wish. We know that most probably is no one's fault but powerful forces that play without us even knowing at times, as much as we try to be aware of them. Maybe don't take it personally as we all are a little too sensitive and it's not always easy to not feel attacked, or to reply when one is low, or hurt, or distracted.

I believe that we ultimately care a lot for one another but our patterns are also played out in here. Unfortunately. But this is us. And it's ok.

Hugs eagle.

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Karaindrou,you are so spot on & in my heart,I knew that but I couldn't help having a tantrum. I hate that part of myself & usually manage to suppress my huffy urges but my life is seriously on its knees. I am very very unwell physically on top of being more emotionally fragile than I can ever remember. I am housebound & alone most of the time & all I have are my cats & my seriously fucked up brain.

Blue moon,I really appreciate you posting. It means a lot that you did it even though you are struggling. Thank you.

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eagleheart as far as i am concerned it's alright to have a rant. If there is one thing good about this forum is that we can be honest and still accepted.

But you are saying that you are feeling even more fragile and vulnerable than you usually do and that is very important. You too are more sensitive.

And you're alone, feeling so raw both physically and mentally. No wonder you feel like that.

Is there anything you can do, that is soothing and reassuring that you can do, like call a friend or husband, watch something to distract you, curl up with a nice music... ?

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Dear eagleheart, i'd like to read what you're going to post but i have to go to sleep. I'm sorry that I have to leave. Please take good care of yourself and i hope that you can sleep.

Hugs eagleheart. (((eagleheart)))

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Well if anywhere there is a place where you can let these feelings out its here. Even when we know we may be a bit irrational it can still be a genuine expression of some underlaying pain we are dealing with and for that I am sorry, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate and are feeling very lonely.

Please know we are always here.

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huge hugs eagle. Sorry you feel this way. We do care even if the posts go unanswered for a bit. i usually try to respond to your threads when i Can.

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I read a large portion of the posts but I only respond to about 10% of the ones I read,

its not that I don't care or don't feel for the person posting but more often than not it is because I am struggling myself and I can't find the words,

it upsets me that I can't help other people and I wish I was functioning better in order to be able to cope and offer some real support,

I know that it sucks if you feel you aren't heard or that nobody has bothered to reply, I am sorry if I've read a post of yours and not replied, its not my intention to do that, just sometimes happens,

you are valued and cared about though,


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we support when we can

we often feel just like you are saying in first post

we have sometimes made similar threads to this one

when the feelings of rejection and isolation consume us

when the knowledge that we are hated and rejected and judged - becomes our reality

so yes

we know and understand the urges/needs/fears/anger etc

but we hate seeing threads like this - that is not personal about you please don't think it is

very far from it

but we don't reply

because they make us angry


just wanted to be honest about what happens in us

even now

right now


we have come onto this 'safe place'

and we feel rejected

people who used to interact with us completely blank us

people might reply to many but not to us

we feel angry



yet today for some reason we don't feel compelled to post a thread about it

later we might

or another day

and yet we hate it

we don't want to be like this

but it gets so painful sometimes doesn't it

it gets to boiling point inside and just explodes out onto the page

don't even know why we really wrote this

it doesn't help you

and it doesn't help us



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Walker. You have no idea how much I value your post. I was worried as soon as I posted the topic that it could be very hurtful to some. It was in no way meant as an attack on any one individual.

Despite what you think,your post is very helpful to me. I may neglect to respond,but I always read your posts because I find your emotional honesty so helpful. Please know that I am sorry that this thread may have triggered you. And thank you for your honesty.

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Lily,Maddy & Bobulator,you are all so nice to have responded. I am feeling ashamed today for my original post. It was childish & selfish & done impulsively. At the same time, I'm glad I decided to be honest. I spend my life lying to people. The biggest lie I tell is "I am fine". I do it to protect others from my sick,depraved mind but also because when people ask me how I am,they actually do NOT want an honest answer.

Anyway,I've lost my chain of thought so I will stop waffling. Thanks again for helping me.

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I'm very pleased that you can combat your embarrassment. As bobulator and maddy said I also feel like you felt yesterday, at times. I find it very interesting how insecurities get played out in here. If I post then I can check for a reply compulsively i must say. If no one replies my insecurity and self-loathing can feel very bad. Or if someone I reply to doesn't reply to me, or if someone finds it hard to forgive me if I said something that hurt them.... All of it is food for thought so to speak. And food for post :-)

Big hug eagle.

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I'm very pleased that you can combat your embarrassment. As bobulator and maddy said I also feel like you felt yesterday, at times. I find it very interesting how insecurities get played out in here. If I post then I can check for a reply compulsively i must say. If no one replies my insecurity and self-loathing can feel very bad. Or if someone I reply to doesn't reply to me, or if someone finds it hard to forgive me if I said something that hurt them.... All of it is food for thought so to speak. And food for post :-)

Big hug eagle.

I feel this to extremes

If i post a topic I come back and look for replies, I get really hurt if nobody replies, but more than that, even if someone has replied I'll look at another topic and see it has 10 replies and wonder why mine only got 1,

I come back the next day and see the one which had 10 has gone to 20 and mine has gone up to 3, I get upset thinking why does nobody care? why am i so unpopular.

its horrible to feel that way when I know nobody is deliberately ignoring me or secluding me, but its easy to be hurt because we are already feeling low about whatever we originally posted about.

that is why I TRY really hard to post on peoples threads even when I have nothing to say, I am making an effort to at least acknowledge the person is suffering and offer some comfort even if no real words form,

just so people I really do care.

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yes yes bobulator


just the same

we seem to have so many expectations

here and in rl

only we don't usually know most of them until they are not being met and suddenly they flood into our head

it happens virtually every bloody day

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I think that it's great that we can talk about this as it can create so much anxiety. It's great that we can be honest and caring even though we don't get it right or get it really wrong, or get nothing at all.


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I'm so interested to read all your views. I know my initial mssg was clumsy & rude. I knew it would be upsetting but actually,it's opened up a good conversation about speaking honestly & learning not to react defensively. I know I have learned a lot from your replies & really want to thank everyone for their input. Stay safe & keep talking. Xxx

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I wanted to thank you again eagleheart but didn't want to put you on the spot again :-) Well, thank you for opening this conversation. Very useful and very interesting. Hugs.

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