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Bpd Intensfied By A Healty Relationship?


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Hi guys,

The psychiatrist I saw on Thursday said that my BPD symptoms could have started to manifest because of my relationship. Apparently I'm waiting for her to let me down and because she isn't my feelings aren't being validated and I'm being disappointed and I get angry and my emotions spaz out. I never thought of that.

It makes sense that my personality switched about 3 months after being in my current relationship. I changed so much I had a brain scan because I was getting headaches and nose bleeds and I litterally went from joking and laughing to suddenly angry and mean. I thought I had a tumor.

I thought being diagnosed would help but since i have been I hate it and am relived all at the same time. I am now going to get the help I need but now Its real and it frightens me.

The psych said that there is hope and even without therapy BPD gets better with time because the parts of the brain that haven't matured will as I get older. I'm not sure I believe that.

So has anyone else experienced this? Like the onset of symptoms coinciding with a good and happy relationship? I'm struggling to make sense of all this.

Has anyone had MBT? Does it work?

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Absolutely. This is for me the most challenging part of bpd as the things that could in principle help are the things that also create chaos in me. That happens to me in every aspect of my life. If I have a good feedback at work I get all shaken and just want to destroy it all as I can't wait for the bad to come after the good. I think that we do tend to recreate the patterns that we have gone through when younger. It's a bit like night comes after day that comes after night... For me bad comes after good and the whole me expects this to happen.

I do hope. Hard work but I do hope.

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Hi Charlie

I think that what your psychiatrist is saying makes a lot of sense. When people are reaching out to me I can get angry with them and convince myself that they are trying to trick and fool me into thinking that they care.

I haven't experienced MBT but I know someone who is going through it just now and she finds it helpful.

Good luck, I hope you are able to gain from therapy and enjoy your relationship.


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I am currently in month 2 of 18 in MBT, it seems helpful so far, for me anyway, i'm hoping in time it will help a lot!, but I quite like going to the group now and find it something to look forward too, you are also given a one to one therapy every 2 weeks in MBT, so you can talk to them about any problems in the group or any issues you are having.

hope this helps

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Karaindrou I know what you mean. I can't accept praise at all because I don't deem myself worthy of it or I'm waiting for the but and then the bad thing to happen. It's a vicious cycle and I can't get off the ride. The rational me knows exactly how it is but when I'm on edge or amped up I don't trust what I know and question it all again. It's exhausting.

MischaD it's similar for me. I don't trust people's motives. I believe that they are lying and it's a big game and they will leave in the end and I'll look an idiot for putting faith in them again.

Ratherin I'm glad it's helping. He gave me the choice of 3 therapies. MBT, DBT and theraputic community therapy. DBT he said wouldn't really benefit me because my self harm is only happening occasionally and not in bad way so I probably wouldnt get results. Therapeutic community wasn't for me after her explained it as it's too much time around people and people bring out the worst in me because my impulses to tell them what I think are getting worse. MBT I appreciate is group work but having the individual aspect allows me to vent if I need too and hopefully build up some control over my outbursts. That's why I chose that although the referral form I have to fill in is awful but I'm gonna do it today and drop it back off tomorrow.

18 months is a long time but a lifetime of struggling is a lot longer.

I'm just in a bit of a mess. I thought being diagnosed would help and I suppose it will because I can get the therapy and med's I need but now Im hating the fact I have this wrong it's me.

I'm sure I'll go up and down more than I dont. Thanks for the replies x

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