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What's Causing Me To Daydream Excessively?


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I'm 25 yeard old now, turning 26 in September. But I want to know what could be causing me to daydream excessively? I never head a traumatic childhood. I grew up fine, but I alwasy daydreamed. I can't stop it for some reason. Even now, I would sit on the bus and daydream. I never get anything done. I can't pay attention at uni, and as a result, I have been kicked out due to bad work. Music makes me daydream even more.

I don't know why I do this. I basically sit on the bus for hours and hours and daydream. I have monthly bus pass so I just take a bus ride. I can't stop daydreaming. I heard of maladaptive daydreaming, but that's not officially reconsidered as a disorder. I'm trying to find a official diagnoses. What could that be?

Any thoughts?

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maladaptive daydreaming is a proper name for excessive daydreaming and it does sound like you are experiencing it. I dont think you can get a proper diagnoses for daydreaming but it could be a symptom of depression or anxiety. I have the same problem, it takes up most of my day but its my escape from real life because i am unhappy and maybe it is the same for you. It is also considered an addiction so you might have been unhappy in the past and the daydreaming had become so addictive that you had continue. My advice is to schedule a daydreaming "session" or two in to your day lasting about an hour each (maybe one in the morning and one before you go to sleep) and try to separate the daydreaming from other daily activities. It might be hard at first but you will eventually do it. Hope this helped.

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