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Does My Girlfriend Have Borderline Personality Disorder?


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Long story, so I'll try to condense it.

I have known my girlfriend for many years, but we lost touch some years ago and got back in touch about a year ago and started a relationship.

In the beginning all was good, but very quickly I realised that she wasn't into the normal boyfriend/girlfriend stuff like hugging and kissing. When I hug her she rarely puts her arms around me and kisses are only quick pecks on the lips.

She's always been very guarded about her phone, and seemed secretive. She said this was due to previous boyfriends checking her phone.
Anyway, one night I checked her phone (I felt bad, but I had a bad feeling) and found a few dirty messages she'd been sending to an "old friend". We had it out and she said she doesn't know why she does it, and doesn't even realise she's doing it at the time. She then proceeded to tell me about her Dad - that he'd died when she was younger and had been 'inappropriate'. Said she had always thrown herself at men but had found it hard to maintain a relationship. She's had many brief sexual encounters - risky stuff, and had caught an STI before (which she gave to me). I told her about it and she lied and said she had been treated and then proceeded to give it back to me again. This is now sorted and we are both STI free.

Another thing to add to this is that she lies... a lot! It's only when I wave the evidence in front of her face that she will admit to it.

Another 'symptom' is that she has anger issues. She will shout at me for pretty-much no reason at all, but will apologise later.

She has had drug and alcohol issues in the past, but this doesn't seem to be an issue these days.

Currently she is seeking treatment and has telephone sessions with a mental health team. Things are going ok and I am being very patient with her.

She is a good person, with deep flaws.

Any thoughts?

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I am not a mental health professional so wouldn't like to say, if you think an official diagnosis would help you both to deal with/manage her symptoms easier then I highly suggest she goes to her GP and asks to be referred for an official diagnosis,

I think its great that you want to support her and that you are standing by her despite her issues, many sufferers on here may identify with some of her symptoms but none of us are medical professionals so it would be unfair for us to diagnose your girlfriend for you,

this is a safe place to talk and get support though so I would urge you and her to post in here if you need someone to talk to or need emotional support, if you really want that diagnosis make an appointment and get a referral they can sometimes take awhile to come through so make the GP appointment sooner rather than later.


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Is there a reason why you think its bpd that she has? Its good your standing by her but we cant diagnosis people she would have to see a professional.

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