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What mental health condition do I have? Why do I always daydream?


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I daydream all the time. Even when I am happy I'll daydream. When I'm feeling low, I get bad negative thoughts and I can't get them out of my head. Sometimes I would make faces in attempt to block them. I can't stop negative bad thoughts. These negative thoughts are events that has happened to me. Example, if I accidentally unplug the speakers and music starts playing out really loud, I would get negatives thoughts of me being yelled it by my parents. Another example is when I get messages on Facebook or a text and the app makes a "bing" noise. There was this time I was yelled at by my teacher at university for texting in class. So now every time I get a message or a text and my iPhone makes a "bing" sound I get negatives thoughts of me being yelled out by my teachers. Result of this, I would make cringe faces. I also turned off all the my notifications on iPhone. I have a hard time focusing on tasks, even if I enjoy them. Even when I am doing exercises like running, I get negatives thoughts in my head of random events and I can't control them. The thoughts interfere me from completing the exercise . But regardless of my daydream, I do make faces even if I am daydreaming about a happy thought. Could this be OCD? I heard about maladaptive daydreaming. Any thoughts?

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I have ocd and this doesn't sound anything like it, with ocd I get intrusive thoughts or images then I get the compulsions I have to act to stop the thought, my rituals are around checking and touching items a certain amount of times, it's all around the safety of my family and my children, I can't eat or drink certain foods because of it. You could ask you doctor maybe they could help.

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I would agree that you should go and see your doctor and explore this more.  I was told by my psych that everyone has intrusive thoughts but it's how you react to them, how much impact they are having on your life etc that determines whether it's part of an illness. It sounds like these thoughts are having a negative impact on you so you should definitely seek medical advice. Good luck. Xx

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Hi - I'd echo what Addy and Mischa say - you'll need to go to your doc, and tell them everything you've written here, and then they'll be able to help you, as it's obviously having a negative impact on you.... good luck x

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