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GP- confidentiality


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I have just called my GP to book an appointment as I need medication. THe lady on the phone told me that I could fill out a form and I could get the medication. She wanted to my dob to check my medical details, whether this was an ongoing treatment. I didn't know that people who answer phones in reception can also have access to patients' medical records. I was really shocked. All that I have told GPs can be seen by any secretary that are not bound by strong professional ethics? It doesn't seem ok to me. 


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It might be worth asking your GP surgery as it might vary from surgery to surgery, I don't know. I used to work in an NHS team (not a GP surgery though) where the admin team were able to access all aspects of a client's treatment episode, but I also worked in an NHS team where different people had different rights on the database, depending on their role. So it could well be down to the database that your GP surgery uses?

I do think that GPs put a code on a patient's visit, so if I went to the GP for depression I believe they have a code, like a summary, that they'd assign to that visit. I think for their own records and stats purposes, and I think admin/receptionists could have access to this overall code but not the ins and outs of what was said? I don't know.. 

So all in all I'm no help other than to maybe ask your GP surgery directly if you're able? As I understand that this could raise some valid concerns


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Thank you Jenny. Your answer was very helpful. The lady on the phone was annoyed that I didn't like the fact that she could look at my records not abiding to a strong professional ethics like doctors do. I wish she had explained to me how to tackle this if that is that particular surgery way of working. I don't like it at all. I will have to go there but fear their reaction. Sometimes it all feels so difficult. 

Anyhow, thank you Jenny.

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